Page 84 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
P. 84


            Indian Ocean expedition:

            final report on the horizon

            As part of Monaco Ocean Week, the advisory committee of the Indian Ocean

            expedition, undertaken by Monaco Explorations in October and November 2022,
            met at the Oceanographic Museum on 19 March 2024 alongside lead researchers
            from the mission and representatives from the Seychelles and Mauritius.

            The aim of this meeting between committee members,   Next, Carl Gustav Lundin, Chair of the Expedition
            lead researchers and representatives from the   Advisory Committee, invited the individual project
            Seychelles, Mauritius and Monaco was both scientific   leaders, all from prestigious research institutions, to
            and diplomatic: to give an update on how research is   take  the  floor.  They  presented  the  conclusions  of
            progressing and confirm the publishing schedule for   their  legal  research  and  scientific  studies  since  the
            the findings and final report, which is expected by the   interim report was published. Committee members
            governments of France, the Seychelles and Mauritius   were particularly interested in the results of studies
            in December 2025.                            conducted around the Saya de Malha Bank.

            After welcome remarks by the Director of Monaco
            Explorations,  Xavier Prache,  Bernard Georges,
            Chairman of the Seychelles Islands Foundation, and
            Dass Bissessur, Director of the Hydrocarbon/Mineral   PROFILE
            Exploration Unit of Mauritius, stressed their countries’
            keen  interest  in  the  expedition  and  its  findings.   This 2-month expedition covered 18,500 kilometers and saw
            They expressed their hopes that it would lead to   an international team of researchers set sail on one of the largest
            conservation efforts and sustainable management   research vessels in service, SA Agulhas II, on loan from the South
            practices  for the entire South-west  Indian Ocean   African government. The research conducted in the Western
            region. One of the aims of the expedition, in addition   Indian Ocean focused on the Saya de Malha Bank, located on the
            to advancing and widely disseminating research on   Mascarene Plateau, the Aldabra Atoll and St Brandon archipelago.
            a little-explored region, is to provide governments
            and policy-makers with robust scientific data on the
            health of the region’s waters, with a special focus on
            the Saya de Malha Bank, a jointly governed area in   IN
            the high seas.                                FIGURES

                                                            ■  8 international research programmes on board,
                                                            ■  150 participants from 20 different countries,
                                                            ■  1,000 species collected,
                                                            ■  150 articles in the national and international press,
                                                            ■  500 visitors welcomed on board during stopovers.
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