Page 83 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
P. 83


                  SIMPLIFIED PROCEDURES                       Future editions of the guide will also include
                                                              procedures and methods for investigating the effects
                  One  priority  is  to  ensure  that  ocean  acidification  is   of ocean acidification on marine organisms. Experts
                  monitored. This is a potentially costly and painstaking   at the workshop created a decision tree to help users
                  task  as it involves measuring multiple  parameters,   solve complex questions relating to data requirements
                  such as pH and total alkalinity, with great precision.   for acidification monitoring in the context of devising
                  But implementing consistent, affordable monitoring   adaptation measures. This tool is designed to help
                  techniques across the globe is challenging due to a   define  research  objectives,  data  requirements  and
                  lack of technological capability. Developing simplified   appropriate monitoring techniques and procedures.
                  procedures would enable more researchers and   “Developing practical tools like decision trees can
                  communities around the world, including in developing   equip researchers to tackle the local and regional
                  regions, to measure acidification and its consequences,   impacts of ocean  acidification effectively”, noted
                  and in turn adapt to and mitigate its current and future   Sam Dupont, a marine biologist at the University of
                  effects.                                    Gothenburg.

                                                              The  first  edition  of  the  “Practical  Best  Practices
                  A GUIDE TO BEST PRACTICES                   for  Ocean  Acidification  Monitoring”  guide  will  be
                  The aim of the workshop was for the diverse group   published online by the end of the year and represents
                  of scientists present, all of whom are committed to   an important step forward for all stakeholders tackling
                  tackling ocean acidification, to finalise the “Practical   ocean acidification worldwide.
                  Best  Practices  for  Ocean  Acidification  Monitoring”
                  guide. This document contains simplified procedures
                  for measuring key chemical variables like total
                  alkalinity, pH and carbon dioxide concentrations               - World average oceanic pH -
                  in seawater. Other features include guidance on
                  laboratory safety and ocean sampling procedures,
                  and data collection sheet templates. Jana Friedrich,
                  head of the Radioecology Section at the IAEA Marine
                  Environment Laboratories, underlined the importance
                  of  “practical, widely-accepted  methods that can
                  be  applied  consistently in order  to  track  ocean
                  acidification and assess its impacts”.

                                                         IN                          Global mean ocean surface pH
                                                         FIGURES                     Uncertainties

                                              The pH of seawater dropped
                                           from 8.11 in 1985 to 8.05 in 2021.
                                     Since the pre-industrial era (i.e. 1750),
                                      ocean acidity has increased by 40%.
                                                   (Source: ‘Ocean Acidification’,
                                       Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring
                                           Service (CMEMS,
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