Page 80 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
P. 80


            Better understanding

            equals better protection

            Following its first monitoring survey in 2018, ACCOBAMS organised
            an event to report on the current state of knowledge on cetacean

            distribution in the wider Mediterranean region.

            The ACCOBAMS Survey Initiative (ASI), launched in   The main goal of the event held at the Oceanographic
            2018, provided the first ever data on the conservation   Museum on 20 March 2024 was to highlight the need
            status of cetacean populations in the Mediterranean   to pursue survey and monitoring activities across the
            Sea and Black Sea. “These aerial and vessel-based   region, building on the expertise and human network
            surveys mobilised a great deal of observers and   developed through the ASI.  “Understanding the
            resources, providing essential data on the distribution   cumulative impact of human activities on ecosystems
            and abundance of cetaceans”, noted Ayaka Amaha   and their biodiversity remains a challenge, because
            Öztürk,  Vice-Chair  of  the  ACCOBAMS  Scientific   our knowledge of the reference conditions, the
            Committee. Maps were created using the data and   baselines,  is  currently  insufficient”,  noted  Aurélie
            made freely available on NETCCOBAMS, the data-  Moulins from CIMA Research Foundation, a partner
            sharing platform set up by ACCOBAMS.         institution. The work carried out by the ACCOBAMS
                                                         teams nonetheless provides up-to-date information
            “The aim of that first survey was to estimate the   on how cetaceans are adapting to human activities
            absolute abundance, without bias, of different   at sea.
            species  of  cetaceans in order  to implement  spatial
            conservation measures. The data gave us a reliable
            baseline  for  comparing  future  changes in  the
            monitored parameters”, explained Simone Panigada,
            Chair of the ACCOBAMS Scientific Committee. With
            a new ASI survey set to begin in 2025, he mentioned
            the environmental policy obligations in the wider
            Mediterranean region. Improving knowledge of
            cetaceans in the ACCOBAMS area (the Black Sea,
            Mediterranean Sea and contiguous Atlantic area)
            helps states with jurisdiction over these waters fulfil
            their marine conservation commitments and priorities.

                        “The future of cetaceans is a barometer of our commitment to tackling the climate
                        crisis. By protecting these ocean giants, we are also protecting our own habitat
                        and the fragile balance of our planet.” Aurélie Moulins, CIMA Research Foundation
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