Page 75 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
P. 75


         Impactful initiatives

         for saving the coral reefs

         The International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI) brought together the coral reef
         community to showcase solutions to help deliver the Coral Reef Breakthrough.

          This  working  session  held on  19 March 2024  at     Olivier Wenden, Vice-President and CEO of the
          Monaco  Yacht Club  brought  together  around  a   Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, following the
          hundred participants eager to deliver the Coral Reef   screening of a video featuring ICRI experts discussing
          Breakthrough, a global convening mechanism to   the topic, ‘What if coral reefs disappeared by 2050?’.
          save coral reefs. Innovators, scientists, investors and
          private sector stakeholders took part in the event   “In the context of the current climate and biodiversity
          hosted by the International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI)   crisis, we very much hope that this call to action will
          in partnership with the Global Coral Reef Fund, the   help state and non-state stakeholders achieve the
          Coral Research & Development Accelerator Platform   global targets  and  develop  ambitious action plans
          (CORDAP), the Ocean & Climate Platform and the   and financial investments to secure the future of coral
          Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation.      reefs,” said Francis Staub, ICRI Global Coordinator,
                                                      during his talk on the Coral Reef Breakthrough. The
                                                      Breakthrough is a clear example of the ongoing efforts
          A NARROW WINDOW                             of ICRI, which has strived to protect coral reefs since
          FOR ACTION                                  it was founded in 1994. “2024 marks an important
                                                      year for the Initiative,  which boasts  101 members
          Over the past 15 years, the world has lost 14% of   today,” noted Francis Staub. Stopping the drivers of
          the coral on its reefs. Corals are integral to sustaining   loss, accelerating restoration, expanding the area of
          the  planet’s vast interconnected  network  of marine   coral reefs under effective management and bridging
          biodiversity. Given the ever-increasing pressures of   the funding gap are the four global targets of this vital
          climate change and many human-driven threats, the   initiative and which the event was organised around.
          window for protecting these vital ecosystems is rapidly   The targets go beyond the Kunming-Montreal Global
          closing. As we approach the fourth global coral reef   Biodiversity Framework and help countries implement
          bleaching event,  “We must step  up resources and   their national and international commitments.
          actions to halt local and global drivers of decline, as
          well as implement cost-effective solutions to enable
          the survival and recovery of resilient coral reefs on a
          global scale and support local communities”, stated
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