Page 73 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
P. 73


         At the center of one of the most pressurized seas
         in the world, the Tyrrhenian Sea, lies the largest
         system of underwater canyons in this Mediterranean
         region. This deep canyon, home to seven of the eight
         species of cetaceans usually present in the western
         Mediterranean,  is  now  part of  a global  network  of
         “Hope Spots” for biodiversity. The culmination of a
         sustained commitment led by the Italian organization
         One Ocean Foundation since 2019. This non-profit
         organization operating at the international level for
         the protection of the marine environment has in fact
         maintained its constant commitment to research and
         marine surveillance of the area located 20 miles from
         the coast. Representatives of this foundation chose
         Monaco Ocean Week to announce the recognition
         of the Caprera Canyon as a new Hope Spot by
         Mission Blue, a global initiative for the conservation   Bernard d'Alessandri, Secretary General of the Yacht Club de Monaco, accompanied by
         of marine biodiversity established by the famous   Jan Pachner, Secretary General of One Ocean Foundation.
         oceanographer Sylvia Earle.
                                                      A CANYON WITH AN
         The  official  announcement  therefore  took  place  on   IMPORTANT ROLE IN THE
         March 19, during a special event organized as part   MARINE ECOSYSTEM
         of Monaco Ocean Week at the Monaco Yacht Club.
         “This recognition allows us to continue our actions in   “Underwater canyons like that of Caprera are
         favor of the protection of this site with an even greater   immense fissures several hundred meters deep, key
         commitment and in collaboration with  national and   structures for the functioning of marine ecosystems,”
         international entities and institutes, in accordance with   introduces Ginevra Boldrocchi, scientific coordinator
         the latest indications from the European community,   of  One  Ocean  Foundation  and  researcher  at  the
         which underline the importance of the protection and   University of Insubria. These zones make possible a
         restoration of biodiversity,” says Riccardo Bonadeo,   series of fundamental functions such as the upwelling
         President of One Ocean Foundation, in introduction   phenomenon, which involves the rise of deep water
         to the event.  “Together, we  are committed to   rich in nutrients favoring life in the water column:
         implementing innovative solutions  that address  the   growth  and  reproduction  of  phytoplankton  and
         challenges facing  our  ocean,  leveraging research,   photosynthetic algae, which constitute the base of
         education and  community engagement to make  a   the entire trophic chain and from which cetaceans
         tangible impact,” continues Bernard d'Alessandri,   benefit.
         Secretary General of the Yacht Club de Monaco, with   “The Caprera  Canyon has extremely important
         whom One Ocean Foundation signed a memorandum   ecological value because  most  of  the species  we
         of understanding in October 2023, consolidating the   study  appear  to use the area as a feeding  and
         common commitment to ocean conservation and   breeding  site.  Despite  its  undeniable ecological
         sustainable marine practices.                value, the canyon – like most of the Mediterranean
                                                      – is subject to numerous  anthropogenic  threats,”
                                                      warns Jan Pachner, Secretary General of One Ocean
                                                      Foundation, specifying that the canyon is located at
                                                      the crossroads of intense maritime routes, east-west
                                                      and north-south. He adds that “marine mammals, in
                                                      particular, are subject to accidental capture, collisions
                                                      with ships due to heavy maritime traffic, as well as
                                                      acoustic, chemical and plastic pollution.”
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