Page 69 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
P. 69


              CHAMPIONING SLOW FASHION                             CHANGING THE NARRATIVE

              Marisa Selfa,  CEO, Ocean Born Lifestyle at Ocean    In these times of overproduction and overconsump-
              Born Foundation in Spain, 100% of whose profits      tion,  Georgia-Rae Taylor, Sustainability Strategy
              are donated to ocean restoration and protection      Director at  British  consultancy Eco-Age Limited,
              initiatives, supporting four of the United Nations   dreams of a circular fashion industry that values
              Sustainable Development Goals.                       sustainability and ethics as much as creativity and
              “Fashion  has  a  bad  reputation,  but  I  think  it’s  a
              wonderful industry and it all depends on how we use   “Promoting slow fashion, introducing strict regulations
              it and make it evolve. The first thing to change would   on production quotas, using technology for better
              be the intensive use of resources, especially water.   stock  management   and   changing   consumer
              For instance, 2,700 litres of water is used to produce a   behaviour are tools that can halt overproduction.
              simple cotton t-shirt on average. That’s what a person
              drinks in 3 years!                                   However, greenwashing is one of the biggest threats
                                                                   to the sustainability movement: when brands boast
              The second thing would be to reduce the industry’s   about their good performance in this area, they often
              carbon emissions; fashion alone is responsible for 10%   give a false impression of reality. This can be avoided
              of the planet’s CO  emissions – the same amount as   by improving understanding of business impacts,
              all air and sea traffic put together. Our clothing and   developing  solid,  credible  targets  and  a  holistic
              accessories production has doubled since 2000. But   sustainability roadmap, and communicating better
              the world’s population hasn’t doubled. Fast fashion is   with consumers.
              gaining momentum, with production increasing by
              around 20% each year. Social media has a large part to   Storytelling is at the heart of the Eco-Age Limited
              play in this trend. This absurd cycle of overconsumption   approach, as it shows how people are impacted
              is creating a very problematic situation.            by fashion choices and inspires change. We need
                                                                   to champion a new narrative that emphasises
              In fashion, being sustainable is no longer enough.   sustainability, ethical production and the value of
              We need to find a way to have a positive impact on   quality.”
              the planet and take into account the entire product
              lifecycle, including end of life. New business models are
              entering the market, such as second-hand clothing,
              which eliminates the need for new resources, as well
              as hand-made fashion and local production.”
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