Page 65 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
P. 65


                                PRIVATE SECTOR INVOLVEMENT                  OVERCOMING OBSTACLES

                                Industry is already investing in research and   Laurent Nauche, Managing Director of the Civil
                                development to deal with the impacts of sea level   Engineering France Division at Vinci Construction,
                                rise on infrastructure. “We must balance short-term   added that efforts to adapt to sea level rise face
                                industrial imperatives  and  activities  with  long-term   many obstacles, such as public opposition to certain
                                future-proofing”, warned Frédéric Busin, Regional   measures,  financial  constraints  and  regulatory
                                Manager for Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur at EDF   hurdles. He called for regulations to be modernised
                                (French energy provider). Initiatives like ADAPT, he   to  adequately  reflect  the  increased  frequency  and
                                argued, which aim to equip nuclear power plants   severity of extreme weather events to enable the
                                to withstand coastal hazards and other impacts   development of ambitious adaptation strategies.
                                of climate change, can boost resilience in critical
                                sectors through systemic approaches. If concrete   Lina Hansson,  Initiatives  Coordinator  and  Co-
                                local strategies are to emerge, there must be a   Secretary for the Monaco Blue Initiative at the Prince
                                collaborative exchange of knowledge on local   Albert II of Monaco Foundation, concluded the event
                                climate services, data and models developed by the   by encouraging those present to continue seeking
                                private sector and research institutes.     systemic solutions to the issue and inviting them to
                                                                            reconvene in 2025 at the third UN Ocean Conference
                                For insurance companies, understanding and   and the Blue Economy and Finance Forum, due to
                                mitigating risk through improved spatial planning is   be held in Monaco.
                                essential.  “Curbing pollution, uncontrolled coastal
                                urbanisation and destructive practices will help keep
                                ecosystems healthy, enabling them to boost coastal
                                resilience”, declared Aurélie Fallon Saint-Lo, Head of
                                P&C Underwriting and Business Strategy for Climate   IN
                                and Sustainability at the AXA Group. She pointed   FIGURES
                                out  that many  homes  around the world  are  not
                                insured against coastal risks. Initiatives like Altitude
                                by AXA Climate and Ma Commune en Action can     ■  The global sea level has risen 25 cm
                                                                                since 1900,
                                help address this situation. It is important to note
                                that marine and coastal ecosystems form a first line     ■  Sea level rise is accelerating and
                                of defence and must be protected. With this in mind,   set to reach 60 to 110 cm by 2100,
                                                                                or double the previous rate,
                                AXA XL is working to reduce pollution and maintain
                                the Good Environmental Status (GES) of marine     ■  One billion people will be
                                ecosystems through its partnerships with the Centre   vulnerable to coastal risks by 2050,
                                                                                Source: IPCC Special Report on the Ocean
                                for Documentation, Research and Experimentation   and Cryosphere (2019)
                                on Accidental Water Pollution (CEDRE). AXA Climate,
                                for its part, is developing parametric solutions to     ■  Without radical, progressive
                                                                                adaptation measures, coastal
                                protect mangroves and coral reefs.              flooding could cause direct annual
                                                                                losses amounting to between 0.3
                                                                                and 9.3% of world GDP by 2100.
                                                                                Source: Jochen Hinkel et al, ‘Coastal Flood
                                                                                Damage and Adaptation Costs Under 21st
                                                                                Century Sea-level Rise’, Proceedings of the
                                                                                National Academy of Sciences 111 (2014):
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