Page 62 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
P. 62


            SCIENCE 3.0
            Is a new vision

            of the ocean in sight?

             Experts explored using digital technology such as 3D visualisation to transform

             scientific research during a workshop at Monaco Ocean Week.

            Incorporating  advances  in  technology  into  scientific
            research has led to an explosion in oceanographic   The CIESM and Monaco Scientific Centre signed a framework
            data. The challenge now is interpreting it. With that   agreement during the event to strengthen cooperation
            in mind, the Mediterranean Science Commission   between the two marine research institutions.
            (CIESM), the International Hydrographic Organization   Below Laura Giuliano, Director General of the CIESM alongside Patrick
            (IHO) and Monaco Scientific Centre invited international   Rampal, President of the Monaco Scientific Centre.
            experts to a workshop on 3D data-processing tools
            and their role in facilitating the interpretation of
            scientific  data,  held  from  19  to  21  March  2024  as
            part of Monaco Ocean Week. Creating 3D maps and
            high-resolution marine data visualisations are just
            some of the possibilities open to researchers, who
            are  increasingly  hopeful  of  capturing  the  ocean  in
            all its complexity. Could this be the dawn of a new
            understanding of this cryptic environment?
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