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                      FROM VIDEO GAMES                            TOWARDS A NEW
                      TO SCIENTIFIC MODELLING                     UNDERSTANDING OF LIFE?
                      These digital tools that borrow from video game design   The three-day workshop was attended by around 20
                      have already gained attention in the medical imaging   researchers  from  8 countries working in a  variety of
                      sector and are beginning to inspire researchers in   fields, including microbiology, molecular biology, (bio)
                      ocean science fields such as geology and physical   geochemistry, bioinformatics, geomorphology and law.
                      oceanography.  New  technologies  like  this  could   Their  wide-ranging  discussions  centred  on  defining
                      overcome the limitations of mathematical models,   mineral-microbe interfaces, choosing key parameters
                      whose ability to simulate ocean environments using   and which digital modelling and visualisation tools
                      scientific  data  is  often  limited  by  the  vast  range  of   could provide a detailed picture of these marine
                      spatio-temporal scales and variables that are more   environments by filling the missing data gaps.
                      or less interlinked.
                                                                  The conclusions reached during this extended
                                                                  round-table workshop are encouraging. Researchers
                      EXPLORING EXTREME                           left with a blueprint for developing the new ‘video
                      ENVIRONMENTS                                game’ that will help them visualise the secret world
                                                                  of microbes in extreme ocean environments. The
                      Keen to expand their knowledge, researchers at   workshop concluded with the hope of improving
                      the  CIESM,  IHO  and  Monaco  Scientific  Centre   knowledge about microbial processes in these hostile
                      ventured deep into the most incomplete, therefore   environments. This could change our understanding
                      least explored, oceanographic datasets, which   of how life first appeared on Earth, provide clues to
                      nonetheless hold clues to the origins and limits of life.   the existence of life on other planets and advance
                      This data was collected at deep-sea mineral-microbe   knowledge in biotechnology, which uses micro-
                      interfaces, where microscopic living organisms   organisms to perform chemical transformations.
                      interact with minerals on and below the ocean floor.
                      These  interfaces  are particularly  enlightening  in  so-
                      called ‘extreme’ environments, which are affected
                      by ocean floor tectonics and hostile to most known
                      lifeforms. There, micro-organisms transform mineral   INSIGHT
                      matter, meticulously shaping the Earth’s surface and
                      contributing to biogeochemical cycles that make life   “Competitive data analytics are based on the best
                      on our planet possible.                     IT technologies, but only data science pipelines
                      But the study of these geo-microbiological processes   can bring reliable insights.”
                      in extreme environments is still in its infancy. Scientific   Laura Giuliano, Director General of the CIESM
                      data is beginning to emerge, but it is often patchy and
                      obscure. Harnessing 3D visualisation software could
                      help fill the gaps and advance our knowledge.
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