Page 58 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
P. 58

                      TECHNOLOGIES FOR EFFECTIVE,                 “Investing in marine protected areas is essential – a
                      COST-EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT                   nature-based solution that benefits local community
                      OF MARINE PROTECTED AREAS                   members first and foremost”, advised Anna
                                                                  Draganova, Director of Pollination, an investment and
                      Creating more marine protected areas (MPAs) is crucial   advisory firm specialising in climate change, who also
                      if we are to meet the ambitious target of protecting   noted an increase in the issuance of blue bonds.
                      30% of land and seas by 2030. But managing MPAs
                      effectively is a huge challenge, with many remaining   “Your technologies are really key as we need to improve
                      nothing more than ‘paper parks’. From state-of-the-  MPA  monitoring, which can be quite  expensive,
                      art  monitoring  systems  to  data-based  conservation   to create better MPAs that protect biodiversity and
                      strategies,  companies are offering  cutting-edge   fish stocks, and support carbon sinks”, explained
                      solutions to overcome these obstacles, reshaping the   Romain Renoux, Executive Director of The MedFund,
                      landscape of marine conservation and ensuring the   a financial mechanism that now supports 20 MPAs
                      long-term sustainability of our oceans.     in 9 Mediterranean countries and connects investors,
                                                                  scientists and conservation stakeholders.
                      DATA COLLECTION:
                      “We’re blind underwater, but now thanks to the   At the final panel of this day dedicated to innovation,
                      development of innovative terrestrial and submarine   speakers concluded that the solution lies in
                      monitoring systems  that  integrate  sensor and   collectivism,  in innovation  that fertilises action,  and
                      robotics networks – a sort of ‘underwater internet’ –   perhaps more diverse action, as illustrated by
                      we can imagine transforming marine big data into a   the  ocean-impact  accelerators  present,  such  as
                      cloud, allowing us to access information in real time”,   OceanHub Africa and the Solar Impulse Foundation,
                      explained Chiara Petrioli, CEO of WSense, a deep   whose representative, Pierre Vigor, noted that “we’re
                      tech company founded at Sapienza University in   still using technologies from the past, but we need
                      Rome, where Petrioli is Professor in the Department   ones designed for the future”. Stephen Murphy,
                      of Computer, Control and Management Engineering.  Founder of ClimateImpact, stressed the power
                                                                  of  storytelling:  “We need to elevate the voice of
                      “The idea is to develop a fleet of surface vessels to   innovators, engineers and entrepreneurs advocating
                      increase monitoring, protection and data collection   for the climate. And  don’t  forget that innovation
                      in marine areas,  and  on a large scale”, said Neil   comes from  entrepreneurs,  not  big  companies.  So
                      Tinmouth, Co-founder and CEO of ACUA Ocean,   we  need to connect entrepreneurs with  investors.”
                      which focuses on scalable technologies.     This view was echoed by Daniela Fernandez, Founder
                                                                  of Sustainable Ocean Alliance, who underlined the
                      Nick Wise, CEO and Founder of OceanMind,    “importance of this close connection between finance
                      described  how  this  non-profit  organisation  helps   and innovation”, a critical ingredient for the world of
                      authorities enforce maritime regulations more   tomorrow.
                      effectively and supports intelligence-led, risk-based
                      law enforcement  through satellite surveillance,
                      training and knowledge transfer.
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