Page 57 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
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          Finally, Robin Millington, Founder and CEO of Planet
          Tracker, a non-profit, sustainable finance think tank,
          warned that “we need huge investment to transition
          to a regenerative aquaculture system, but this is a   “High quality bathymetry is   “Change takes time. Although
          longer-term play. It may not be profit  tomorrow; it   indispensable to understand   Capricorn has been in the
          may not be profit this month. But if we don’t start this   ocean phenomena, from   business for 20 years and
          transition, we’re not going to be where we need to be
          in time to meet the needs of the growing population.”   the response to oil spills to   ‘only’ has 40 partners, they
          She then voiced a crucial question: “What is the risk   sustainable management of   are all sincerely motivated to
          of inaction? With the investment community, if you’re   fisheries, and to improve the   make a real change towards
          just doing a pure play on finance, you’re not asking   safety of navigation. Saildrone’s   sustainability and understand
          yourself that question. We need to model that risk.”  technology, which uses     that patience is golden.”
          “There’s been a rapid increase in the amount  of   uncrewed surface vehicles, is
          capital  invested  in climate-friendly  blue  feeds  in   set to become a gold standard,   Jérôme de Bontin, former
          the last 10 years and huge growth in the number   helping us meet our collective   Chairman of AS Monaco
          of companies entering the aquaculture sector      goals to map the oceans in     football club and Partner at
          more widely”, said Aly Rose, Ocean Lead at CREO   a way that is affordable and   Capricorn Investment Group
          Syndicate,  a  non-profit  organisation  working  with   respects the environment.”
          over 200 global investors to catalyse capital into
          climate and sustainability solutions for the transition
          to decarbonisation. Understanding the impacts of   Brian Connon, Vice-President of
          (over)fishing is undoubtedly driving investor interest in   Ocean Mapping at Saildrone
          the sector.
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