Page 67 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
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          This two-day event provided a new opportunity
          for key industry players to interact and form fruitful
          partnerships.  Participants  shared  their  expertise  at   THE SMART INNOVATIVE YACHT AWARDS 2024
          workshops dedicated to imagining the smart yacht of
          tomorrow. The solutions and technologies discussed   At the event, the international jury of around 20 industry professionals and investors
          at these Smart Think Tank sessions will be compiled   chose two winners for their promising innovations:
          in an open-source report published in May. It is hoped
          they will help innovators come up with concrete,     ■  the start-up Composite Recycling which proposes to make yachting
          achievable solutions to make the yachting industry   sustainable:  “We recycle the composite materials used in boats and wind
          more environmentally conscious.  “This event  will   turbines so they can become new boats, creating a closed loop for each of the
          help fundamentally transform  the yachting industry   components”, explains Guillaume Perben, co-founder and CEO.
          by  linking innovation and sustainability, ensuring
          excellence goes hand in hand with environmental     ■  the scale-up Greenboats, which has developed  “fibres that can compete
          responsibility. We need the industry to be an integral   with glass fibre and, better still, are lighter. It offers panel solutions that can
          part  of the equation”, said Olivier Wenden, Vice-   be seamlessly integrated into production lines at major shipyards to reduce
          President and CEO of the Prince Albert II of Monaco   their carbon footprint”, explains the company’s Business Developer, Loris
          Foundation.                                          Schimanski, who partnered with Boris Herrmann and Team Malizia, founded
                                                               by Monaco Yacht Club Vice-President, Pierre Casiraghi.

          PROMOTING SYNERGY                                This event co-organised by M3, Monaco Yacht Club and its partners was a highlight
                                                           of Monaco Ocean Week, shining a light on industry innovations and getting the
          Three round-table discussions featuring industry   entire maritime ecosystem interacting, from yacht companies to port infrastructures.
          heavyweights  highlighted the way  environmental,
          economic and operational factors are shaping
          yachting’s energy transition.

          The  first  topic  was  the  impact  of  new  engine
          technologies, propulsion systems and fuels.
          Discussions focused on hydrogen following a
          presentation of the existing solutions by Michel
          Delpon, Emmanuel Macron’s hydrogen ambassador
          for France 2030. The second talk explored ways to
          foster a circular economy and create synergy within
          the industry to make yacht design and maintenance
          more  efficient,  sustainable  and  innovative.  The  final
          discussion  focused  on  industry  regulations  and
          incentives to address the challenges that lie ahead, in
          particular the application of rules designed to protect
          the coastal environment and marine resources.
                                                             GREENBOATS Materials Composition / © Felix Diemer
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