Page 90 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
P. 90

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                                                                                ■  Over 130 public debates held since 2022,
                                                                                ■  two-thirds of the projects were
                                                                                 completely restructured following

                                                                             SESSION 2: INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION
                                                                             IN THE MEDITERRANEAN

                                                                             Long-term initiatives as part of the RAMOGE
                                                                             “The most important thing is that stakeholders
                                                                             know each other”, commented Florent Champion
                                                                             as he presented the activities undertaken since
                                                                             1976 as part of RAMOGE, the Mediterranean
                                                                             agreement that covers an area from Marseille
                                                                             to La Spezia. These include integrated coastal
                                                                             management, scientific studies of marine species,
                                                                             deep-sea explorations, anti-pollution activities,
                                                                             particularly after the Haven oil spill, and educational
                                                                             campaigns. The overriding aim is to alleviate the
                                                                             pressures on marine ecosystems and address the
                                                                             consequences of climate change.

                                                                             The  only  cross-border  MPA  established  to
                                                                             protect marine mammals in the Mediterranean
                                                                             Viola Cattani, Deputy Executive Secretary of the
                                                                             Pelagos Agreement, spoke about the dangers
                                                                             facing the Pelagos Sanctuary (87,500 square
                                                                             kilometers)  and  the 9 marine  mammal  species
                                                                             it is home to. The area is bordered by over 2,000
                                                                             kilometers of coastline and is under intense human
                                                                             pressure. The main goal of the agreement is to
                                                                             strengthen multilateral cooperation between the
                                                                             three signatory states (France, Italy and Monaco) in
                                                                             order to provide the effective protection of marine
                                                                             mammals  and  their  habitats  from  the  direct  and
                                                                             indirect consequences of human activities.

                                                                             A Foundation committed to marine conservation
                                                                             “The role of the Pelagos  Initiative, which we
                                                                             launched in 2021 with WWF, IUCN and MedPAN, is
                                                                             to support joint conservation projects undertaken in
                                                                             the three signatory states of the Pelagos Agreement
                                                                             as  part  of  its  management  plans”, explained
                                                                             Philippe Mondielli, Scientific Director at the Prince
                                                                             Albert II of Monaco Foundation. He also stressed
                                                                             the importance of coordinating efforts between
                                                                             Mediterranean stakeholders.

        One of the winners of the “Man and the Sea” photo competition
        organised by Ramoge. © Stoicescu Loana - Cannes
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