Page 111 - Livre_MOW2022_EN
P. 111


                                                                                       IN BRIEF

            4 stories around                   fighting for the ocean”, summed up Sandy
            the world                          Tudhope, Co-Founder and Co-Director of
                                               the programme, eager to inspire the youn-
            The panel enjoyed listening to stories wo-  ger generation. Encouraging the students
            ven in all corners of the world, starting with   to consider themselves as leaders in their
            Ilena Zanella, involved in setting up a shark   current lives, the teacher mentioned a few
            sanctuary in Costa Rica between the Co-  of the key ingredients of the Edinburgh pro-
            cos Islands and Malpelo, a reserve which   gramme focused on coaching:
            has transpired to be a source of blue car-
            bon as well as an opportunity for the local   •  understand your own style of leadership
            communities, especially women, to combat   and emotional intelligence to seek solu-
            climate  change.  Yolanda  Sanchez,  from   tions  based  on  the  specificity  of  the   ONCE UPON A TIME,
            Spain, then spoke about the development   economic, social and cultural context of   THERE WAS A BABY
            of an ocean education programme created   your region;
            in Chile, now involving a network of around   •  develop sensitive intelligence and listen   POLAR BEAR CALLED
            fifteen countries in Latin America. Biologist   to others;
            Shirley Binder, who supports the develop-  •  cultivate the value of courage to be a   ICE…
            ment of marine protected areas in Panama,   player in ocean change at all levels, from
            stressed the need to call upon players in   local level to international level;  “This is the story of a baby polar bear: Ice. He lives in the
            science,  political  governance  and  finance   •  create a global network of ocean lea-  North Pole in a country called Clear Water. But this country
            with a view to reaching the 30% target for   ders.                       is in danger" recounts Valentina Agnesi, the dynamic
            protected ocean areas by 2030. Meanwhile,                                President and Founder of the association Let’s Free
            Hugo Tagholm, in the United Kingdom, has                                 The Sea, to two Year-2 classes from Monaco’s François
            mobilised  a  community  of  over  100,000   Ocean Leader, the           d’Assise-Nicolas Barré catholic school, at the Monaco’s
            surfers and sea-goers who have proven to   tipping point                 Multimedia Library. Why in danger? asks the storyteller.
            be valuable alert-raisers concerning water                               Because “it is increasingly hot, so the ice melts, because of
            quality and marine pollution. During the dis-  Invited to join the Ocean Leaders commu-  global warming”, answer the children already attached to
            cussion,  these  charismatic  ocean  leaders   nity on stage, HSH Prince Albert II of Mona-  the hero of this climate tale, who decides to set off to New
            spoke in depth about their experiences and   co expressed his support for this initiative   York to plead the case of polar bears at UN headquarters.
            shared their opinions, underlining the main   which places the younger generation not   At each stage of his trip, the main character encounters
            challenges encountered in their actions.   as inheritors of problems but as leaders   an environmental issue and helps, never losing heart, the
                                               to bring about change. In the second part   animals in difficulty he meets on the way.
                                               of the event, the ocean leaders took on
            Joining                            the role of facilitator, conducting various   Thanks to this story featuring endearing characters,
            the community                      round tables on leadership with all the   Valentina Agnesi raises child awareness of marine
                                               participants. The dialogue focused on the   pollution, the fate of ghost nets and the effects of plastic
            Demonstrating the inclusive approach of   questions and concerns of a younger ge-  in the ocean: “Tips and advice are also given so that the
            this event, the panellists then identified key   neration determined as much as concerned   children can feel they are agents of change”, comments
            advice to become an ocean leader, drawing   about the future of the ocean, sharing their   the organiser of this event which places focus on
            from their own experience. “There are diffe-  experience and discovering that action can   constructive discussions with schoolchildren. “We need to
            rent type of leadership and I learnt to accept   begin here and now…     take action so that every human-being understands that
            my own style. A leader is an ‘inclusive’ indi-                           all waste must be picked up”, declares one of the children,
            vidual, both among the local communities                                 showing the early signs of helping to bring about change.
            and in international organisations”, said Ile-                           As the story goes: “Jumping Jellyfish! It’s never too late!”
            na Zanella. “There is no competition when
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