Page 114 - Livre_MOW2022_EN
P. 114
MONITORING the selection criteria and various levels of
support would be maintained, the com-
OF THE PELAGOS mittee was keen to adapt the priority issues
to the new management plan of the Pela-
INITIATIVE gos Agreement (2022-2027). The com-
mittee also agreed on the need to develop
a communication strategy (creation of a
On 21 March 2022, the coordinating com- communications pamphlet and a website).
mittee meeting for the Pelagos Initiative
took place in the offices of the Prince Al- Focus was placed on the first action of the
bert II of Monaco Foundation. Created in Pelagos Initiative, namely the organisation
2021 by the Foundation, WWF, IUCN and of a webinar in May dedicated to all the
MedPAN, the purpose of this Initiative it to players involved in the Sanctuary. This will
act as a lever to increase the protection of provide an opportunity to present the initia-
the Mediterranean sanctuary (87 500 km ) tive, explain how the call for projects works
and its marine mammals. and give an overview of the Agreement’s
new management plan. This webinar will
The members of the coordinating com- also provide the opportunity to stress the
mittee met to give an update on the 7 initial importance of creating a coalition between
cross-border projects funded following the these players and to offer technical support
call for projects last year. The procedure for to the project managers who so wish.
the next call for projects (June 2022) was
also defined. Although it was decided that
The Board of Directors of Beyond Plastic Med (BeMed), followed by the association’s General Meeting, took
place on Tuesday 22 March 2021. An overview of 2021 activities was given, and the provisional calendar of
2022 activities was approved by the directors and board members, representatives of the Prince Albert II of
Monaco Foundation, the Tara Ocean Foundation, the MAVA Foundation and the Surfrider Europe Foundation.
The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), which became a member of the Board in its
capacity as Secretary General of BeMed was also represented.