Page 110 - Livre_MOW2022_EN
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                                                  PART OF THE


                                                  And what if the ocean of the future was in the hands of
        Launched in 2020 by the
        University of Edinburgh and               the younger generations? At the core of Monaco Ocean
        supported by the Prince                   Week, this inspirational event gave voice to young
        Albert II of Monaco Foundation,           leaders and ocean professionals, uniting communities
        Ocean Leaders is the only                 across the globe.
        leadership programme
        designed specifically for young           “An appraisal of our global ocean has   Prince and an audience of fifty or so stu-
        professionals working on the              revealed different perspectives on explora-  dents from the International University
        ocean. It combines leadership,            tion and exploitation trajectories, and this   of  Monaco and the  Green Management
        mentoring and networking                  requires multi-level leadership and new ears   School in Nice, Meriwether Wilson pointed
        support with international field-         open to various accounts and  opinions”   out  the  key  ambitions  of  the  24  Ocean
        based experiences.                        introduced Meriwether Wilson, Co-Founder   Leaders. Then  the  Australian  researcher
                                                  and  Director  of  the  Ocean  Leaders  pro-  Harriet Harden-Davies from the University of
                                                  gramme, to launch this event designed to   Wollongong, moderator of this event whose
                                                  shed light on the scope of this programme   aim is to prompt interest among the young
        IN                                        run by the University of Edinburgh and   generation, invited four ocean leaders from
        FIGURES                                   supported by the Prince Albert II of Monaco   2020-2021  to  share  their  own  story  and
                                                  Foundation.                        the way in which they have developed their
           ■  24 ocean leaders,                   In the Oceanographic Museum’s confe-  skills and leadership.
           ■  19 countries.                       rence  room,  addressing  the  Sovereign
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