Page 106 - Livre_MOW2022_EN
P. 106


               SEA ANGELS

               TO THE RESCUE


                                                  An eco-citizen kayak trip organised by the Monegasque
                                                  association Let’s Free The Sea mobilised twenty or so
                                                  participants along the Monegasque coastline.

                                                  In the summer of 2021, Valentina Agnesi,  Fun civic engagement
                                                  the President of the association, launched
                                                  a series of sea trips with the aim of get-  Let’s Free The Sea cooperates with port
                                                  ting as many people as possible involved   authorities so that they can implement ac-
                                                  in ocean protection. During the kayak   tion to clean the seabed with divers, to re-
                                                  trips, the participants, called Sea Angels,   move large items of waste, such as in the
                                                  collected  floating  waste  and  cleaned  the   marine protected area of Milazzo in Sicily.
                                                  beaches they visited.              But what can we do to make everyone feel
                                                                                     concerned by ocean protection? “Thanks
                                                  During Monaco Ocean Week 2022, twenty   to the kayak trips, participants get to dis-
                                                  or so individuals met on Larvotto Beach   cover  the seacoast while  having fun  and
                                                  to become Sea Angels for one afternoon,   staying fit. Once we learn to appreciate,
                                                  making them aware of their ability to take   we learn to respect”, affirms the President
                                                  action to protect the seabed and coast-  of the environmental association.
                                                  line. Over the course of an hour, in their
                                                  double kayaks, our angels made their way
                                                  along an almost perfectly blue sea: leaving
                                                  the Monegasque beach, they passed the
                                                  Monte Carlo Bay to reach the coast of
                                                  Roquebrune, before returning to their star-
                                                  ting point, tracking down plastic waste.
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