Page 108 - Livre_MOW2022_EN
P. 108
A festive and gastronomic evening dedicated to the
ocean at Stars’N’bars brought together talented scientists
and a Michelin-starred chef with a passion for the sea,
alongside 150 guests who came to celebrate the flavours
of the sea.
ocean a genuine reservoir of biodiversity”, Will the food of the future be blue? “This
explained Professor Denis Allemand in his would still depend on the sustainable use of
introduction, plunging the auditorium into marine resources, taking into account sea-
the meanderings of evolution. sonality, stocks and the impact of climate
change on the distribution of fish”, cautions
Tomorrow, a blue the scientist, referring to the recent multi- 2
plate? disciplinary study produced by CLIM-ECO
which was funded by the Prince Albert II of
Monaco Foundation . “Our future Mediter-
In line with the conferences-debates-cock- What does the sea-based plate consist ranean fisheries will need to adapt because
tails dedicated to marine biodiversity pro- of? The professor took us on a journey into they will perhaps no longer be able to fish
posed at previous editions of Monaco the phylogenetic tree of the ocean, from or farm the same species”, continues the
Ocean Week, the event proposed by ma- the first organisms that appeared 600 mil- alert-raiser adding that by extrapolating
rine biologist Michèle Barbier, Executive Di- lion years ago (sponges), to marine mam- current uses, the disappearance of fish in
rector of the Institut de Sciences et Ethique mals, not to mention the 50,000 species the Mediterranean has been modelled for
and Professor Denis Allemand, Scientific of mollusc, deep-water annelids and crus- 2100, i.e. a faster collapse of fish resources
Director at the Monaco Scientific Centre, taceans… showing the great diversity of than in the Atlantic Ocean.
focused this time on exploring the rela- the sea-based plate, richer than the land-
tionship between gastronomy and marine based plate. A plate which is not a recent 11. The Climate and Mediterranean Fisheries: envi-
biodiversity. “While the number of marine phenomenon, points out the speaker who ronmental and economic assessment project (CLIM-
ECO²) was coordinated in 2020-2021 by ECOSEAS
species is far inferior to the number of ter- talks of the Neanderthal’s partiality for sea- “Ecology and Conservation Science for Sustainable
restrial species, the ocean nonetheless of- food, steps back to the Roman era when Sea” at the University Côte d’Azur and the Monaco
fers remarkable diversity: of the 36 animal shellfish and garum, a fermented fish, were Scientific Centre.
groups known to date, 23 are exclusively highly prized, before roaming down the fes-
marine and have never left the environment tive times of the 18 century when oysters
in which they were born. This makes the were considered aphrodisiacs.