Page 104 - Livre_MOW2022_EN
P. 104
A VULNERABLE polar bear, glaciologist Leo Decaux pointed
WORLD out water-related issues in the Arctic Circle,
marine currents under glacier dynamics, fo-
cusing on exchanges between fresh water
and salt water.
Arktic Circle and rivers join in unison to alert the specta- After crossing, with 3 other explorers, 450
tor about their vulnerability. kilometres towing a pulka to take samples
A polar bear on the sea ice, a boat amid of snow from Spitsbergen, the scientist
the broken ice, the blue eyes of an Arc- Arktic Interactions: Heidi Sevestre is seeking to determine the
tic wolf… The result of three expeditions origin of black carbon, pollution emana-
to the Arctic and leading on from a book experts’ opinion ting from industrialised countries which is
published in partnership with the Prince Al- migrating towards the poles and casting a
bert II of Monaco Foundation, the images “As a privileged witness to all this beauty shadow on the snow. Last, Deborah Pardo,
of the exhibition conducted by Olivier An- and seeing it disappear so quickly due to an ecologist specialising in the albatross,
rigo, “Arktic Circle, Memories of the North”, global warming convinced pointed out how marine
became the setting for all the events taking me to share not only photos, birds are valuable indicators
place during Monaco Ocean Week which but also to go a step further of marine biodiversity.
was held in the Yacht Club’s conference by mobilising collective intel-
room. “These vast natural areas, still little ligence around an ambitious These experts, familiar with
marked by the imprint of humankind, make programme to protect these the health status of the Arc-
us feel very small and reveal wildlife that regions”, explained Olivier tic regions, shared their data
is virtually intact”, says the photographer Anrigo, at the conference on and concerns regarding the
committed to Arctic protection. Having Friday 25 March, alongside consequences of our actions
seen up close the retreat and breakup of experts from the Arktic Inte- on the poles, in the spirit of
the sea ice, he is drawing attention to the ractions project team. accessibility that characte-
fragility of these surveillance ecosystems, rises the Arktic Interactions
a true ocean compass: polar bear, Arctic Following an excerpt from project, deployed in schools
wolf, reindeer, but also sea ice, glaciers Jason Roberts’ film on the in the Principality.