Page 74 - Livre_MOW2021_EN
P. 74


     © Michaël Alesi

            The energy transition

            and resource conservation:

            incompatible goals?

            The Prince’s Government’s Mission for Energy Transition discusses

            underlying problems and suggests overall solutions.

            The conference was held at the Monaco Yacht Club   resources for their production.  “Mining  and refining
            on 24 March 2021, led by the Director of the Prince’s   these materials leads to invisible pollution, as it is
            Government’s Mission for Energy Transition, An-  outsourced. But this does not stop us from having
            nabelle Jaeger-Seydoux, along with five experts and   a clear analysis of the overall life cycle of green tech-
            the journalist Guillaume Pitron, a specialist in raw ma-  nologies”,  the  journalist  explained,  pointing  out  the
            terial geopolitics.                          subsequent geopolitical problems. However, “we are
                                                         entering age 2.0 of the energy transition: we must not
            AGE 2.0 OF THE ENERGY                        ask ourselves whether the transition is required, but
            TRANSITION                                   how we do it, and avoid new demands created by
                                                         mining or refining becoming problems of the future”.
            The director of the documentary  La Face cachée
            des énergies vertes (The hidden side of green ener-
            gies) spoke about his research into renewable energy
            solutions,  highlighting  the growing need for  mining
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