Page 72 - Livre_MOW2021_EN
P. 72


            A new ocean narrative

            The Monaco Ocean Science Federation defends the importance
            of science in building a positive view of the ocean: between modelling

            and reconnecting, a new narrative is emerging.

            The members of the Monaco Ocean Science Fede-  A NEW NARRATIVE
            ration met for the third time on 23 March 2021 via
            video call during  Monaco Ocean  Week. Alongside   The ocean has increased its appeal thanks to a highly
            HSH Prince Albert II, 26 participants examined ways   effective narrative orchestrated  by major agencies,
            to increase interest in the ocean amongst the public   promoting major challenges and successes, pushing
            and policy-makers. By raising awareness of the im-  forward  human  expertise  without  environmental
            portance of the ocean in terms of the services it offers   blame. Members of the Monaco Ocean Science Fe-
            humans, and its potential contribution to the environ-  deration agreed on the need to develop ocean-re-
            mental transition, the common goal is to encourage   lated communication. It is no longer about understan-
            greater awareness of marine ecosystems, greater up-  ding marine ecosystems to protect them, but also to
            take of measures to protect them, and on the part of   restore them and re-establish their full potential (de-
            policy-makers, greater attention and increased fun-  signing marine protected areas, integrated multi-tro-
            ding for marine sciences.                    phic aquaculture, new pharmaceutical uses, etc.).

            FORGOTTEN BENEFITS                           SCIENCE AND SOCIETY

            At the dawn of the Decade of Ocean Science for   During the meeting, it emerged that science must
            Sustainable Development, there is a general consen-  address  citizens’  expectations  and  offer  solutions:
            sus that interest in the oceans is poor. Compared to   addressing fundamental needs, offering an escape,
            space exploration, ocean exploration garners little en-  giving the option to make choices and take action.
            thusiasm, whilst this global ecosystem contributes to   Different members are working on the link between
            food, health, employment and life for a large portion   science and society to develop joint research and to
            of the population, not to mention its role in climate   ensure  that  knowledge  contributes  to  democracy.
            regulation. In recent years, problems have been pro-  The  scientific  process  must  become  accessible  to
            moted (overfishing and low stocks, pollution and dead   more  people,  notably  young  people,  both  in  deve-
            zones, extensive plastic pollution, warming, etc.), hi-  loped countries and in developing countries.
            ding the ocean’s formidable potential. It was impor-
            tant to raise awareness of environmental issues, but
            citizens now need hope, or they will lose interest and
            move away from science towards alternative realities.
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