Page 70 - Livre_MOW2021_EN
P. 70


            A NEW NARRATIVE
            Because The Ocean

            signatories prepare

            for COP26

            An online workshop on 23 March 2021 brought together 52 representatives
            from countries which have signed an initiative to take a stand for the ocean.

            This  panel  discussion  sought  to  make  the  ocean   THE VOICE OF MEMBER
            central to COP26 objectives. It brought together re-  STATES
            presentatives from 17 of the 39 signatory countries,
            as well as international senior officials. The meeting   The ambassador of Sweden, Helen Agren, coordi-
            started  with  the promising  observation  of  “a new   nated the web meeting. She handed over to various
            ocean narrative”. The adviser to the deputy chair   parties from the Because The Ocean (BTO) initiative,
            of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation (Sylvie   which was able to build on its momentum and com-
            Goyet) was confident in the ecosystem’s increasing   mitments.  Since  COP21,  work  by  BTO  signatories
            importance  in  international  negotiations  since  the   - alongside HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco - has
            Paris Agreement. However,  “the ocean must make   helped to push forward the ocean agenda in discus-
            its  voice heard  during negotiations in  2021”, com-  sions on climate within the United Nations Framework
            mented  Stephanie  Ockenden,  from  the  British  De-  Convention on Climate Change.
            partment for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs,
            reflecting the future presidency of COP26 and reitera-
            ting the United Kingdom’s commitment of £500 mil-  AN OCEAN AGENDA
            lion through the Blue Planet Fund. The ambassador   TO PREPARE FOR COP
            Waldemar Coutts, Director of Climate and the Envi-
            ronment with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile   MEETINGS
            (COP25 president), called for a second “blue COP”,   Representatives from signatory countries each out-
            strengthening the ties between the ocean and climate   lined the priorities of this ocean agenda: dealing
            and encouraging blue finance.                with coastal vulnerability, looking deeper into ocean
                                                         sciences and climate in line with the latest IPCC re-
                                                         ports, dedicating a fund to the ocean, reinforcing
                                                         cooperation and international financial support... The
                                                         areas for action and research have converged towar-
                                                         ds a holistic approach likely to have more influence
                                                         during COP26 (climate) and COP15 (biodiversity).
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