Page 112 - Livre_MOW2021_EN
P. 112

110 | IN BRIEF


                                                                                                               © M. Dagnino

            The Sancta Devota Foundation joins the Monk Seal Alliance

            On Monday 22 March 2021, the first day of Monaco Ocean Week, Olivier Wenden, deputy chair of the Prince Albert II of Monaco
            Foundation and Colonel Luc Fringant, deputy chair of the Sancta Devota Foundation, officially entered into a partnership agree-
            ment to consolidate actions carried out as part of the Monk Seal Alliance initiative, which aims to support and coordinate efforts to
            protect one of the world’s most endangered species: the Mediterranean monk seal. In 2020, the Monk Seal Alliance confirmed its
            support for eight conservation projects for this Mediterranean marine mammal, on the eastern Atlantic coasts. The Sancta Devota
            Foundation joins the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, MAVA Foundation, Thalassa Foundation and Segré Foundation. This
            new partnership seeks to increase collaboration between fundraisers and stakeholders in the field at a local level, national level
            and wherever the species is found.

            The BeMed calendar                                 The MedFund holds a board
            The Board of Directors meeting of Beyond Plastic Med (Be-
            Med), following the General Meeting, took place on Monday   The Board of Directors of MedFund, co-chaired by H.E.
            22 March 2021. In the presence of directors, the 2020 acti-  Mr Bernard Fautrier, special adviser to HSH Prince Albert II
            vity summary was presented and the provisional 2021 acti-  of Monaco and H.E. Yann Wehrling, French ambassador
            vity calendar was approved. Regarding the BeMed network   for the environment, met by video call on 25 March 2021.
            business group, which brings together businesses working   Amongst the many points discussed, Romain Renoux, exe-
            to implement tangible solutions to prevent plastic pollution   cutive director of the Fund, presented a review of the acti-
            in  the  Mediterranean,  a  workshop  and  pilot  project  kick-  vities carried out in the marine protected areas supported
            off was planned for 9 and 10 June in Marseille. Q4 will be   by the fund in Tunisia, Albania, Morocco and Turkey. The
            dedicated to a business recruitment phase, then a second   Board of Directors also deliberated on the potential for
            group workshop at the end of the year. An announcement   development of new programmes seeking to amplify and
            was also made about the sixth call for microinitiatives by the   sustain actions in the Mediterranean. New communication
            BeMed network, which selects around ten projects each   visuals were also presented and approved by directors.
            year in the Mediterranean to reduce plastic pollution at sea.
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