Page 111 - Livre_MOW2021_EN
P. 111


          Thoughts from Ocean Leaders

          leaders at Monaco Ocean Week

                                                                                                                        © Richie Graham, Davies Formal

          Hugo Tagholm               Charlie Gough               Yolanda Sánchez             Harriet
          United Kingdom             United Kingdom              Spain - Latin America       Harden-Davies
          A surfer with an honorary   A PhD student and          Through marine education    Australia - USA
          doctorate in ecology, he   technical adviser at Blue   programmes, she             A researcher at the
          manages the national       Ventures, she pursues       builds bridges between      University of Wollongong,
          marine conservation        a community approach        oceanography and people     she is working with the
          charity Surfers Against    to management and           to promote marine           United Nations to develop
          Sewage. Highly committed   conservation of local       conservation in Latin       a new treaty for the high
          to the fight against plastic   fisheries with ocean    America.                    seas as well as sustainable
          pollution, he also works in   conservation in mind,                                and fair ocean governance,
          water quality, climate and   mainly in Madagascar.     “Everyone is responsible    plus she is the deputy
          highly protected marine                                for the future of the       chief editor of the journal
          areas.                     “We need more effective     ocean. The most             Marine Policy.
                                     collaboration and less      important thing is to
          “We need greater           competition if we want      identify links with the     “The United Nations
          protection for life and    to achieve our collective   ocean, to understand        Ocean Decade began
          ocean ecosystems,          goals!”                     how it influences our       this year. We need strong
          by focusing on total                                   lives and how we            leadership to allow
          protection of 30% of                                   influence it, in order to   everyone dependent on
          the ocean during this                                  make more responsible       the oceans to make their
          decade. Ocean life can                                 decisions. Education is     voice heard in policy.”
          recover if we give it the                              essential to identify these
          necessary space. ”                                     connections which have
                                                                 stayed invisible for many
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