Page 113 - Livre_MOW2021_EN
P. 113

IN BRIEF   | 111


                                                                               THE ARCTIC, A


                                                            In the winter solitude of the Canadian Arctic, north of
                                                            Churchill, the French director Cristiana Bontemps goes
                                                            in search of a polar bear. For five years, she ventures into
                                                            the tundra of the Wapusk National Park at -40°C, braves
                                                            storms, meets an Inuit camp near to the mythical Nor-
                                                            thwest Passage, where the coastal waters attract seals and
                                                            polar bears in spring, before setting off for Spitsbergen to
                                                            observe the ice pack.


                       FOR THE OCEANS

          The fashion ecologist  Runa Ray invited  Monaco Ocean
          Week participants to visit her virtual museum with ethereal
          decor surrounded by the ocean. The visitor can discover
          her dresses made from cyanobacteria fibres, archaic mi-                            © Cristiana  Bontemps
          cro-organisms which become “ocean fabrics” in the skilful
          hands of the Indian designer, but also her biodegradable   “Encounters in the Arctic”, her documentary film (24’) made
          dresses made from chlorophyll printed seaweed... A way to   from her expeditions, was made available throughout Mo-
          remind people that the oxygen we breathe is like a second   naco Ocean Week at the site of the Monaco embassy in
          skin and that it is possible to reduce microplastics produced   Washington, looking at the ecology of a species in view of
          by fabrics. In room 2, we discover patterned satin dresses   major climate upheaval. On the list of IUCN vulnerable spe-
          using  floating  ink  art  (an  alternative  to  industrial  dyes)  or   cies, “the bear has to adapt to a home whose walls are
          inspired by marine life. Through interactive digital stands   constantly moving”, the director notes. For how long will the
          on her website, the designer advocates for a circular eco-  species which the Inuit call “the great traveller” deal with the
          nomy, recycling, zero waste initiatives, and solutions based   fragile ice pack? Christian Kempf, explorer and geographer
          on nature and ancient and indigenous techniques. The user   specialising in the Arctic, explains that we are losing 90,000
          can visit the activist’s exhibitions, who raises awareness of   km  of ice every year. A warning film which shines a light on
          the environmental impact of the fashion industry and advo-  one of the ocean regions most affected by the ecological
          cates for a change in paradigm.                   crisis.
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