Page 38 - Livre_MOW2018_FR
P. 38


            Two MPAs merge to protect

            marine mammals

            On 13 April 2018 during Monaco Ocean Week, the Agoa Sanctuary

            in the West Indies and Pelagos Sanctuary in the Mediterranean signed

            a memorandum of understanding to share their actions and experience

            with a common goal: protecting marine mammals.

            These two Sanctuaries share a common
            goal: guaranteeing a favourable conserva-
            tion environment for marine mammals by
            protecting them, as well as their habitats,
            from the direct or indirect negative impacts
            of human activity.

            The cooperation between the two Sanc-
            tuaries is the continuation of the “Monaco
            Explorations” and the journey of the ship
            “Yersin” in October 2017 to the West Indies,
            with the support of the Prince Albert II of
            Monaco Foundation. The terms of this coo-
            peration focus more specifically on:

            Best practices in terms of governance
            and cross-border cooperation and the
            implication for local players in protecting
            marine mammals;                      Training and awareness actions regarding   ties to the Pelagos Agreement, Mrs Fannie
                                                 marine  mammals  to  the  benefit  of  mana-  Dubois, Executive Secretary of the Pelagos
            The measures to manage and assess    gers, local stakeholders and the public.  Agreement and her deputy, Mrs Constanza
            their effectiveness, notably supervision of                               Favilli, as well as Mr Robert Calcagno, Chief
            nautical events and activities such as whale   The  signing  ceremony  took  place  at  the   Executive Officer of the Oceanographic Ins-
            watching - with particular attention on the   Oceanographic Museum of Monaco in   titute.
            approach distance of these species - and   the presence of H.S.H. Prince Albert II of
            the measures to reduce  underwater  noise   Monaco, H.E. Mr Bernard Fautrier, Minister
            and collisions between boats and large ce-  Plenipotentiary  and Vice-President, Chief
            taceans;                             Executive  Officer  of  the  Prince  Albert  II  of
                                                 Monaco Foundation, H.E. Mr Xavier Sticker,
            Twinning projects between municipalities   Ambassador for the Environment, Mr Cyril
            of the two Sanctuaries;              Gomez, Chair of the Meeting of the Par-
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