Page 43 - Livre_MOW2018_FR
P. 43
The monk seal (Monachus monachus) is one of the most threatened marine mammals
in the Mediterranean and Atlantic.
Protected for over 30 years, it has experienced a decline which is now stable but fragile.
There are between 600 and 700 monk seals, which need to be continually monitored and
protected. One of the solutions to achieve this could be the funding of joint actions in all
areas where the species lives. This was one idea that the participants considered during
the Monaco Ocean Week 2018.
Three monk seal species have been recorded worldwide: the Mediterranean monk seal (critical danger of extinction),
the Hawaiian monk seal (danger of extinction) and the Caribbean monk seal (extinct in 1950).
Formerly hunted for their skin and oil, monk seals fled It is vital to collect this information to clarify matters
their traditional habitats which were destroyed by ur- for decision makers. Many costly actions need to be
ban development. They are the collateral victims of implemented. This includes installing infrared came-
intensive fishing leading to lower fish stocks, but also ras or using drones to track the caves where colo-
other human activities such as diving, tourism, navi- nies have established, counting births or measuring
gation and even inappropriate behaviour. juvenile mortality, and compensating fishermen when
their nets are damaged by seals.
To survive, they fled to the least accessible or protec-
ted and monitored zones, such as the Madeira archi- Through this workshop, the participating funding or-
pelago and Ras Nouadhibou in Mauritania, but also ganisations were able to have a better understanding
the Turkish, Greek, Cypriot coasts, etc. of the problems and issues, leading to more effec-
tive financial support: The Prince Albert II of Monaco
In the Atlantic, their disappearance peaked in 1997 Foundation, Switzerland for the Oceans, Octopus,
and the first measures taken jointly in 2000 by Por- Sancta Devota Foundation, The Critical Ecosystem
tugal, Spain, Morocco and Mauritania helped reverse Partnership Fund, Adessium Foundation, The Tha-
this trend. In twenty years, the number of individuals lassa Foundation, Euronatur and MAVA Foundation
tripled and over 80 births have been recorded each for Nature.
Discussions helped identify some priorities to improve
There are similar problems in the Mediterranean, monk seal protection, although they acknowledged
although they differ depending on the country and that each population group had its own requirements.
zones in question. A global action plan for the 2014- These priorities include protecting new habitats and
2019 period was developed by RAC-SPA (the Regio- allowing old habitats to be repopulated.
nal Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas) to
protect the monk seal. It focuses on protecting the It was agreed to draw up an action plan which defines
species and its habitat, tracking individuals to have a these requirements, the impact and cost of measures
better understanding of the reasons for their death, to be carried out, but also to distribute and coordi-
and raising public awareness to reduce the human nate the financial support of different parts of this ac-
activities which cause them harm. tion plan between funders: the goal is also to attract
other donors and continue to mobilise and coordinate
Knowledge also needs to be improved about the spe- all parties involved.
cies itself, notably its genetic diversity, to assess its
ability to adapt and survive environmental changes.