Page 96 - Livre_MOW2021_EN
P. 96


            NEXT STEPS
            Zero plastic

                                                                  AN ISRAELI START-UP DESIGNS
                                                                  A 100% SOLUBLE “PLASTIC”

                                                                  By exploring various materials to produce biodegradable
                                                                  plastic, the Israeli chemical engineer Sharon Barak
                                                                  developed a unique material which can dissolve in water.
                                                                  “This plastic can biodegrade in the ocean in 90 days, as
                                                                  the materials are naturally broken down by bacteria”,
                                                                  the designer explained during Monaco Ocean Week.
                                                                  Made from ecological materials, without toxic residues
                                                                  or microplastics, this innovative plastic - named Solutum
                                                                  by the eponymous start-up - offers an alternative to
                                                                  traditional single-use plastics.
                                                                  A solution to reduce plastic pollution in the ocean
                                                                  presented live from the Capsule Building at Tel Aviv
                                                                  University, a sustainable energy laboratory building with
                                                                  a green roof.

                                                       © Chen Wagshall

                                                   NANO CAPTIS
                            FILTERING NANOPLASTICS

              Each time we wash synthetic clothing (polyester, nylon,
               acrylic, etc.), we release microparticles which flood into
             the ocean. This invisible pollution has a significant effect
                on the ocean and the species living in it. How can we
                  tackle nano-contamination by these plastics, which
              are currently undetectable by water processing plants?
                 Mindful of these issues, the companies Phoenix H2O
                  and Nano Captis, in partnership with a US research
                 centre, have designed plastic nano-particle filters for
                washing machines. During Monaco Ocean Week, the
              designers presented the story of this innovation, as well
                as promising results after an initial test phase. 90% of
               plastic fibres are captured by this filter, which will start
                                                 production soon.
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