Page 46 - Livre_MOW2021_EN
P. 46
A new era of finance
The Impact Agora panel discussed logical changes to finance and investment
within the emerging framework of the ocean economy.
At a time when environmental concerns affect all bu- Outlining the investment landscape and industrial
siness sectors, the new impact investment platform sectors, the panellists warned about one point: the
by Barclays Private Bank - Impact Agora - invited five growth in blue economy activities could increase
experts to a virtual panel discussion on themes linked man-made pressure on ocean resources, which are
to investment in emerging technologies, business already under threat. They all insisted on an essential
models and other investment products linked to the ingredient, the spice added to finance: sustainability.
ocean. This leads to pioneering business solutions to tackle
the challenges of the ocean economy and innova-
At the start of the meeting, the crucial role of finance, tive financing structures (blue bonds, conservation
“a real driver of the transition towards a sustainable finance, etc.), and the ocean even emerges as a new
blue economy”, was underlined by the Vice-President and critical area of investment, as the cornerstone of
of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, Olivier the climate solution.
Wenden. “If correctly oriented, investments can di-
rect capital flows to activities which support environ-
mental protection, and more specifically the ocean”,
explained Damian Payiatakis, Head of Sustainable
Investing at Barclays Private Bank, and who coordi- THE BLUE SECTORS OF FINANCE
nated this session, in collaboration with the event’s
sponsors, Barclays Private Bank and the Prince ■ Renewable energies
Albert II of Monaco Foundation. ■ Sustainable fishing
■ Aquaculture
■ Protecting marine ecosystems
(coral, mangrove swamps, kelp forests, etc.)
■ Navigation
■ Combatting plastic pollution
■ Eco-tourism