Page 44 - Livre_MOW2021_EN
P. 44


            Blue finance

            What is the financial sector’s role in managing risks   The speakers agreed that we need to bring together
            linked to the loss of biodiversity? What are the spe-  scientific communities and economic policy-makers
            cific financial motivations of the blue and sustainable   to identify opportunities for private investment in key
            economy? Moderated by Sylvie Goulard, Second    ocean sectors (offshore wind power, sustainable food
            Deputy  Governor  of  the  Bank  of  France,  panellists   production, decarbonisation of maritime transport,
            at the MBI’s third session dove into the relatively   eco-responsible tourism, ecosystem conservation
            unexplored waters of blue finance. Drawn from the   and restoration), all in view of SDG 14.
            insurance, private banking, conservation finance and
            consultancy sectors, they discussed the specifics of
            this  fledgling  financial  sector  and  ways  to  increase   RISKS TO BE CONSIDERED
            sustainable investment in the oceans, particularly in
            the context of an economic recovery after the CO-  Several  obstacles  were  identified,  starting  with  the
            VID-19 pandemic.                             financial sector’s lack of expertise, the need to de-
                                                         termine suitable economies of scale and manage-
                                                         ment of economic risks linked to ocean damage. The
            BLUE VS. GREEN                               option of establishing a more symbiotic relationship
                                                         between blue finance and the global economy was
            Will  blue  finance  follow  the  path  taken  by  green  fi-  put  forward.  Mixed  finance  systems  lead  the  way,
            nance,  an  initiative  which  emerged  around  fifteen   like the Global Fund for Coral Reefs, combining pu-
            years  ago?  The  panellists  agreed  that  the  existing   blic, philanthropic and private financing to breathe life
            principles and instruments of green finance could be   into profitable projects which can finance long-term
            tailored to blue finance, without changing the para-  conservation. Finally, to be sustainable and profitable
            digm. The two could be considered as inseparable   whilst  supporting  ocean  health,  blue  finance  must
            parts of the global economy. However, some natural   support resilient economies within the most closely
            features and legal aspects specific to the ocean - a   involved communities.
            widely shared, freely accessible resource liable to be
            damaged - must be taken into consideration. Seve-
            ral recent guides on blue finance looking further into
            these questions were referenced.
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