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Justin Sargenti
                                                         winner of the Students on Ice 2015 competition,
                                                         qualified architect, technical designer for FGWRS and
                                                         doctoral student at the AMUP laboratory in Strasbourg

                                                         In December 2022, Justin Sargenti

                                                         set off on a mission to the Franco-Italian
                                                         Concordia research station on behalf

                                                         of the Monegasque grey water recycling
                                                         company Firmus Grey Water Recycling

                                                         System (FGWRS), as part of an environmental
                                                         improvement project run in collaboration

                                                         with the French Polar Institute Paul-Émile
                                                         Victor and the European Space Agency, and

                                                         supported by the Prince Albert II of Monaco
                                        © Justin Sargenti_IPEV

            How has the Students on Ice programme in-    Before I left, I met with five classes of high school
            fluenced your career path?                   students  in  the  Principality.  During  our  stay  at
            After my experience in the Arctic with Students on   Concordia, in the most hostile environment in the
            Ice, I decided to study architecture with the aim of   world, we were able to hold a video conference with
            working in a polar environment. After graduating, at   around  fifteen  people  on  the  station  representing
            the invitation of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foun-  different professions, including one of Concordia's
            dation, I applied for a mission to recycle grey wa-  first overwinterers. This is the only videoconference
            ter from the Concordia station in Antarctica. It was   from the Concordia base that has been carried out
            an incredible opportunity, particularly for my thesis   for France in 2022. Posts on social networks roun-
            project.  I  was  selected  for  this  assignment,  which   ded  off  this  communication  campaign  around  the
            was developed in partnership with the Monegasque   mission.
            company  FGWRS.  Before leaving on this mission,
            I first  worked  as  a  technician  and  trained  in  the   Has your time at Concordia changed your ap-
            greywater recycling system.                  proach to architecture?
                                                         I was able to experience life in a hostile environment
            What were your responsibilities at Concordia?   for myself, as well as the state of the local infrastruc-
            My main task was to install a pilot plant for testing   ture. It changed my architectural approach to polar
            FGWRS ultra-filtration membranes and to carry out   environments. I'd read a lot of books on new po-
            daily  tests  on  two  greywater  recycling machines.   lar  stations,  particularly  those  built  after  2010,  but
            I analysed the data and sent it to company. We   going there showed me that the architect's point of
            are  currently  finalising  reports  to  determine  which   view never takes precedence over the technical as-
            membrane  performs  best  and  adapts  best  to  the   pect:  you must  be able to adapt  to environmental
            hostile environment. In partnership with the Prince   constraints that are so extreme that the technical
            Albert  II of  Monaco Foundation,  I also carried  out   aspect is always right, which implies certain com-
            a communication campaign aimed  at  secondary   promises in terms of comfort or building renovation.
            school students on the importance of protecting the   This calls into question the role of the architect, who
            poles and the role of innovation.            can very rarely visit the site to monitor the work.
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