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             ■  32 ocean leaders,
             ■  25 countries.


          Inclusion and communication are at the heart of the
          second panel's question, that of giving communities
          more means to take action for the ocean. What's the
          most important tool to use? "Citizen science", Lucy
          Babey, Deputy Director and Head of Science and
          Conservation at ORCA, replies with conviction,  "is
          about creating a group of passionate, trained people
          that you can send anywhere in the world and who
          can create this huge dataset, it's a cost-effective tool
          that delivers results." The head of the British organi-
          sation working to protect whales and dolphins cites
          the example of a marine protected area in the North
          Sea in the UK, more than 90% of whose designation
          is based on data generated by citizen science.

          Then Stephen Kankam, co-founder and deputy di-  PROFILE
          rector of Hen Mpoano in Ghana argues that "one of
          the tools for empowering communities is to involve   Launched in 2020 by the University of Edinburgh and
          women more and more in fisheries decision-ma-  supported by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation,
          king, in particular by  mobilising women's voices in   Ocean Leaders is the only leadership programme designed
          illegal fishing and empowering them to use tech-  specifically for young professionals working on the oceans.
          nology-based approaches." Finally, Kenyan Peter   It combines leadership, mentoring, international field
          Manyara, Head of the Regional Coastal and Ocean   experience and network support.
          Resilience Programme at the IUCN Office for Eastern
          and Southern Africa, stresses the essential role of
          informing local communities about the ocean issues
          that affect them.
          Throughout their discussions, these charismatic
          ocean  leaders  explore  and  compare  their  points  of   SIGHT
          view, highlighting the main challenges they face in
          their actions.                                 “To lead change, you need not only passion, skills, and
                                                         creativity, but also courage, the will to do something
          In the final part of the event, the Ocean Leaders took   different, and perhaps to fail. So, it's very important to
          on the role of facilitators, leading various panel dis-  create these supportive spaces and communities”.
          cussions on leadership and the obstacles encounte-
          red by all the participants. The dialogue was fuelled   Sandy Tudhope, professor, co-founder and co-director
          by the questions and concerns of young people who   of the Ocean Leaders programme
          were as determined as they were concerned about
          the future of the ocean.
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