Page 103 - restitution_book_MOW2023_EN
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                                                                                                              © Jacqueline Gautier-Debernardi

              DISCOVERING LITTLE-                         A STRATEGY GAME FOR
          KNOWN SOUNDS                                SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT
                                                      OF THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT
          What sounds travel across the ocean? Why are they
          essential to marine life? In the centre of the class-  CETAMER turns its players into eco-ambassadors for
          room, 22 photos are placed on the floor and a louds-  cetaceans and the marine environment in the Ligurian
          peaker emits the sound of waves heard from the sur-  Sea. What problems do humans and marine species
          face... The workshop can begin! During their sound   encounter when they share the same space? How
          dive, the children encounter different animals and sur-  can we improve living together? The participants'
          prising sounds. Each sound is matched by an image,   mission is to increase the harmony gauge as much
          giving rise to numerous interactions with the young   as possible by completing the challenges set, bearing
          audience.                                   in mind that the starting gauge is only 25%. Incredibly,
                                                      solutions are emerging among the players, who are
                                                      working together to imagine sustainable, eco-res-
              A CARD GAME ABOUT                       ponsible management of the marine environment!
          PROTECTING CETACEANS                        In parallel with this event, Saint-Charles school has
          The host shuffles the cards and distributes them to   undertaken to offer various activities to other classes
          the 8 participants. It doesn't take long for pupils to   during Ocean Week, all linked to raising awareness of
          discover 5 species of cetacean and 4 types of ships,   the need to protect cetaceans.
          as well as special cards: speed, noise pollution, plas-
          tic, collision,  High-Quality  Whale-Watching , marine
          protected  areas,  scientific  research,  and  fishing.
          Whale Risk is a card game designed to raise aware-
          ness of environmental conservation and the protec-
          tion of cetaceans, focusing on maritime traffic.
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