Page 72 - Livre_MOW2022_EN
P. 72


                                      “I intend to encourage responsible yachting from an
              IN                      environmental, societal, educational and economic point
                                      of view. Only a collective and concerted response will be
              SIGHT                   able to address such challenges.”
                                      HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco

            SMART AND SUSTAINABLE                        A 3D MARINA
            MARINAS                                      The event also provided an opportunity to project
                                                         oneself virtually into the yachting world of the future,
            On the occasion of a TV show broadcast live on the   with a presentation of a Metaverse draft proposal of
            Monaco Yacht Club’s new Web TV, the 2  edition of   the Monaco Yacht Club marina, the first digital uni-
            the Monaco Smart & Sustainable Marina Rendezvous   verse dedicated to superyachts.
            (25 and 26 September 2022) was announced. Sup-
            ported by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation,
            Extended Monaco and the Monaco Yacht Club, via   LOW CARBON STRATEGY
            its “La Belle Classe” certification, this event will bring   IN LINE OF SIGHT FOR THE
            together 250 key players in the yachting industry in   MONACO ENERGY BOAT
            order to encourage responsible innovation for the de-
            sign and management of virtuous marinas.     CHALLENGE
                                                         Identifying the issues at stake as far as innovation in
            For  the  1   edition,  55  innovative  start-ups  from  30   the yachting industry is concerned, a dedicated round
            countries were selected and listed in an e-catalogue   table at the 2022 edition of the Monaco Energy Boat
            which registered over 10,000 views, spurring emula-  Challenge (international event for innovative solutions
            tion in the yachting industry.               in the yachting sector) addressed 2 environmental
                                                         challenges:  the  development  of  marine  protected
            Developers of existing marinas or those under construc-  areas and evolution of the International Convention
            tion  and  architects  are  joining  the  selection  process   for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL).
            which fosters networking and will designate the awar-  The  next  rendez-vous  will  be  the  10  edition  from
            dees of the Smart & Sustainable Marina Awards 2022.  July 3 to 8, 2023.

                                  SEA INDEX , PHASE II
                                  Launched in 2020 by the Monaco Yacht Club, the SEA Index® tool
                                  continues. The first carbon footprint calculator for superyachts
                                  over 40 metres, targets environmental objectives to reduce CO
                                  emissions in the yachting sector. The founders of the Superyacht
                                  Eco Association (SEA), led by Bernard d’Alessandri, Secretary General
                                  of the Monaco Yacht Club, announced the launch of phase II of SEA
                                  Index® in cooperation with Lloyd’s Register. Monaco Ocean Week
                                  provided the opportunity to present “the Friends of SEA Index”, a
                                  new category of “SEA” members.
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