Page 70 - Livre_MOW2022_EN
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Monaco at the forefront
of advanced yachting
Sustainable marinas, charter of excellence, responsible innovation, alternative
propulsion… Thanks to the 6 events taking place over the day, hosted by the
Monaco Yacht Club, a concerted and collective solution to address ecological
challenges is taking shape, making Monaco the capital of advanced yachting.
On the occasion of the 5 Monaco Ocean Week, orga- “Through the commitment of this collective and inter-
nised by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, the national umbrella brand of advanced yachting, we are
Monaco Yacht Club celebrated the 10 anniversary of encouraging and fostering our tradition for innovation
“Monaco, yachting capital” on Thursday 24 March. Ini- which draws on technological progress to create res-
tiated in 2012, this annual project whose ambition is to ponsible yachting, in line with the UN sustainable goals
consolidate the position of the Principality as a centre that I promote via my Foundation”, announced the So-
of excellence in the sector, now has an international vereign during the event, addressing the Monegasque
flavour becoming “Monaco the capital of advanced personalities and various yachting stakeholders pre-
yachting”. Innovation and sustainability shape this ini- sent, reminding them of the carbon neutrality objec-
tiative run by the Monaco Yacht Club and its President, tives for his country for 2050.
HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco.