Page 52 - Livre_MOW2022_EN
P. 52
Nature-based Solutions
in the Mediterranean
Rendered fragile by the climate crisis and loss of biodiversity, the Mediterranean
Basin is counting on Nature-based Solutions, encouraged by the International
Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
“Geostrategic challenges of the 21 century have
placed the ocean at the heart of discussions again”,
pointed out HE Bernard Fautrier, Minister Plenipoten-
tiary, Special Advisor to HSH the Sovereign Prince on
environmental issues, at the beginning of the meeting
on 25 March 2022, organised by IUCN. And what if
the protection of marine and coastal ecosystems en-
abled us to combat the effects of climate change?
And if the main challenges facing society in the Me-
diterranean were very closely tied to the health of this
cradle of biodiversity? Monaco Ocean Week could
not address the Mediterranean situation without en-
couraging the use of Nature-based Solutions.
Governed by IUCN which developed an operational
framework, the concept which was developed at
COP 21 is anything but abstract. Nature-based So-
lutions now meet a global standard consisting of 8
criteria and 28 indicators. This standard is a practi-
cal tool which makes it possible to assess projects
scientifically in very different situations and in the long
term, and to ensure global coherence. Restoration of
forest landscapes, integrated management of water
resources, climate change adaptation and mitigation
based on ecosystems that capture and store carbon,
natural disaster risk prevention based on ecosystems
that act as shock absorbers for drought, flooding and
rising sea levels… “These proven practices should be
used in the appropriate situations and meet the Stan-
dard criteria”, stresses Sébastien Moncorps, Director
of IUCN’s French committee.