Page 46 - Livre_MOW2022_EN
P. 46


            Changing the trajectory

            of ocean crises

            Following a first publication resulting from the previous Monaco Ocean

            Week, the Varda group and its partners brought together ocean scientists,
            governance experts and those involved in ocean protection in order to

            continue avenues for reflection and actively prepare the future United Nations
            Ocean Conference.

            “Shouldn’t the plastic waste policy be modelled on   BOLDNESS OR THE WIND
            the policy developed successfully in the 1980s for ra-  OF CHANGE
            dioactive waste which consisted in no longer treating it
            as diluted and dispersed elements but in identifying it   How can we scale up the proposals updated last year
            as permanent radionuclides in the biosphere?”, ques-  so that they constitute a roadmap for ocean mana-
            tioned the members of the Varda Group in the article   gement? This was the dynamic that drove this round
            “From Blue Food for Thought to Blue Food for Action”,   table organised within the Prince Albert II of Monaco
            published with the support of the Prince Albert II of   Foundation. “We need bold approaches, as pointed
            Monaco Foundation. This document led to a rich dis-  out by John Kerry, US Special Presidential Envoy for
            cussion encouraging the authors to prepare this new   Climate, and this process is a fine example” initiated
            webinar,  the  first  of  a  series  of  consultations  whose   Rémi Parmentier, Director of the Varda Group. Swiss
            conclusions will be presented in Lisbon at the end of   philanthropist Dona Bertarelli, an advocate for ocean
            June 2022.                                   conservation, added:  “There are high hopes for the
                                                         30% protection target by 2030, but we need to think
                                                         bigger and complete what is already underway”.
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