Page 41 - Livre_MOW2022_EN
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         Focus on sustainability

         and the positive impact

          A loyal participant of Monaco Ocean Week, the association TAF-
          The Animal Fund has focused on two areas that have a strong                              IN

          impact on the ocean: fashion and financial investment.                                   FIGURES

          On Thursday 24 March 2022 in the meeting room of   MORE RESPONSIBLE INVESTING
          the Monaco Yacht Club, the conference began with a                                         ■  8% to 10% of global
          presentation of the association presided over by the   The floor was then given to the representative of the as-  carbon dioxide
                                                                                                     emissions generated
          vibrant Berit Legrand.                      set management company 2PM Monaco who spoke    by the fashion industry,
                                                      about sustainable investment procedures, and more   (source: UNEP)
                                                      specifically  the  alignment  of  client  investments  with
          MORE SUSTAINABLE FASHION                    their Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) va-    ■  35% of microplastics
                                                      lues. Increasingly widespread, the attention to invest-  released into the ocean
          The event open to the general public continued with   ment purpose and the trend towards a positive impact   are said to come from
          one of the partners of TAF-The Animal Fund, Angelo   investment should be extended to the corporate sec-  textile washing,
          Legrand, Founder of the responsible clothing brand   tor “in order to put an end to ecological laundering”,   (sources: IUCN)
          R4 Clothing. The young entrepreneur drew attention   insisted Louis Legrand, underlining the importance of     ■  1% of the materials
          to the devastating effects of the fast fashion industry   this new finance tool.           used in clothes
          on the ocean and the importance of moving towar-                                           manufacturing is
          ds sustainable fashion structured around circularity,   The event, which was open to all, concluded with a   recycled.
          transparency, innovation and respect for the environ-  call for more transparency and responsibility in these   (source: Ellen MacArthur
          ment.                                       sectors of the economy which have repercussions on   Foundation)
                                                      the health of the ocean and of marine mammals.
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