Page 55 - Livre_MOW2018_FR
P. 55
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To preserve this local culture, we need older fishers
to pass on their traditional knowledge to younger fi-
shers. This is something which they often don’t have
the opportunity to do. Local fishing also needs to be
linked to other important actors, which generate in-
come. This includes fishing tourism, where tourists
get onto boats and learn about the benefits of small-
scale fishing.
In your opinion, what are the best solutions
Paolo Guidetti to rejuvenate it?
Professor at the In addition to developing these new activities, we
University of Côte d’Azur
and director of the need to reduce the red tape and help older fishers
Ecomers laboratory to pass on their knowledge. Without a doubt, we
also need to define a more modern profile of fishers
who understand modern challenges, i.e. durability
Despite its low environmental impact and and the need to integrate other short fish distribution
economic relevance, artisanal fishing is rarely chains. Something which some are already doing.
considered. Why?
Despite its benefits, it suffers from being a frag-
mented sector. This fragmentation affects its political Other than the fishers themselves, which
representation. National and European decision-ma- other professionals can help?
kers have often opted to listen to semi-industrial or Restaurant owners have a crucial role to play, by ac-
industrial fishing companies which are better orga- ting as ambassadors for local products. Hotel mana-
nised and therefore better represented. gement schools also have a role by promoting ethics
and local culture. Finally, researchers like me who
Moreover, since fishing products have been globa- must protect the cultural heritage of each region.
lised, consumers have lost touch with Mediterranean
species. Demand is limited to a few well-known fish,
which are not necessarily local. Are the European Union and governments
of the countries involved aware of the urgency?
Yes, but there is a significant waiting period between
How can we restore this? initial awareness and implementing actions. Howe-
The most important thing seems to be working on ver the fishing population is ageing and time is not on
food knowledge and education, by promoting the our side. But we shouldn’t forget that ten years ago,
benefits of short channels of sale. This needs to in- the European Union wanted to stop artisanal fishing.
volve both consumers and political decision-makers. This is no longer the case now that it is better orga-
Eating locally means eating fresher, healthier fish nised and better represented.
from a food point of view, whilst limiting its transport
as much as possible, sometimes to only hundreds
of metres. What is the first port of call, in your opinion?
We must avoid losing intangible heritage linked to
people, fishers. But it is difficult to collect. When we
How is artisanal fishing a relevant solution, are fundraising, some criticise us for focusing on the
particularly in the Mediterranean? past. However it’s quite the opposite. By protecting
The Mediterranean is the cradle of three cultures the past, we are working to support the future.
(Islam, Christianity and Judaism) which have often
developed thanks to the sea. Coastal populations
deployed different fishing techniques using varied
resources which are part of common culture and
diversity. With an overriding concern in mind: protec-
ting what feeds them.