Page 51 - Livre_MOW2018_FR
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                                 Why has M2PA opened up to civil society?    What budget do the Mediterranean MPAs
                                 Since the origins of M2PA, non-governmental orga-  have now? What share do these Funds represent?
                                 nisations have worked alongside the three founding   There are huge differences between the funding of
                                 States. The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation is a   MPAs  on the North and  South sides of the Medi-
                                 founding member. The MedPAN network of Mediter-  terranean. What does a national marine park on the
                                 ranean MPA managers is a pillar of the initiative, and   north side with many staff and an annual budget of
                                 its president is one of M2PA board members. IUCN   several million euros have in common with a small
                                 Mediterranean and WWF Mediterranean, to name a   protected area on the south side without any ope-
                                 few, are also members of M2PA. The Oceanographic   rating budget, where the managers don’t have any
                                 Institute of Monaco is the latest member. The M2PA   equipment or fuel for sea patrols, scientists do not
                                 initiative is therefore more strongly based in environ-  have the resources to assess the condition of ecosys-
                                 mental  networks  mobilised  to  protect the  Mediter-  tems, and public trips are not provided? M2PA wants
                                 ranean.                                     to support the second category initially. This is why
                                                                             projects  have  been  developed  in  Tunisia,  Morocco
                                 Cooperation is also key with non-governmental   and Albania. It’s still early days.
                                 players in regions where M2PA operates. This coo-
                                 peration is one of its keys to success. To ensure ef-
                                 fective support of sustainable MPA management, it is   What are the next steps in terms of sustainable
                                 essential to work as close as possible to the field and   funding of Mediterranean MPAs?
                                 involve local communities. These communities have   We are continuing to make progress on several fronts.
                                 implemented citizen initiatives to protect the Mediter-  In financial terms, mobilisation of resources remains
                                 ranean, whether by specifically participating in MPA   a priority. After the GEF and FFEM, other private and
                                 management or by raising public awareness of the   public donors will be approached to provide a capital
                                 importance of respecting the environment. Through   contribution and reach our co-funding objectives. In
                                 projects in collaboration with national authorities,   operational terms, four to eight new funding agree-
                                 M2PA provides support to dynamic NGOs which are   ments should be concluded to support MPAs during
                                 involved in nature conservation work.       the 2018-2019 period. A range of potential projects is
                                                                             in progress in Morocco and Tunisia, but also in Alba-
                                 Proof of this is the statement given at the MOW by the   nia and elsewhere in the western part of the Mediter-
                                 president of the Tunisian NGO “Notre Grand Bleu”, a   ranean. In methodological terms, the contributions by
                                 key stakeholder in our partnership with the Agency   GEF and FFEM will be partially used to reinforce envi-
                                 for Coastal Protection and Development (APAL) for   ronmental fund structuring, drill down on its priorities
                                 management of the Kuriat islands marine protected   and develop investment and fundraising strategies.
                                 area.                                       Since the summer of 2017, the initiative has gathe-
                                                                             red pace thanks to the arrival of a permanent coordi-
                                                                             nator, Romain Renoux, who will soon be supported
                                 What progress does the partnership agreement   by another employee for administration and financial
                                 with the Oceanographic Institute of Monaco   matters.
                                 signed in 2018 represent?
                                 Very early in the development of M2PA, private do-  We are looking forward to 2020. The IUCN world na-
                                 nors  made  contributions:  the  Leonardo  DiCaprio   ture conference will meet this year in Marseille several
                                 Foundation, with a contribution of hundreds of thou-  months before the important COP15 regarding the
                                 sands of dollars; but also Basel Zoo and the Oceano-  agreement on biological diversity in China, and the
                                 graphic Institute of Monaco, with both  agreeing  to   environment in the Mediterranean will be under the
                                 pay M2PA a percentage of their entrance tickets,   spotlight. I hope that M2PA will have visible success
                                 so a few cents per ticket - but with a cumulative va-  to be recognised as part of the “Solution Agenda” for
                                 lue of several tens of thousands of euros per year.   biodiversity. Protecting our planet is tomorrow’s great
                                 In terms of the agreement which we signed in April,   challenge, and M2PA will do its part to help.
                                 the Oceanographic Institute coordinates a network of
                                 partner institutions, mainly zoos and aquariums plan-
                                 ning to become contributors or involved in awareness
                                 actions  regarding  protection  of  the  Mediterranean.
                                 With the support of H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco,
                                 the Oceanographic Institute met with representatives
                                 from these zoos and aquariums during MOW 2018.
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