Page 32 - Livre_MOW2018_FR
P. 32
Risks for the Environment,
Food and Health
and Supervision Strategy
Monaco Ocean Week 2018 focused on a major topic which affects various
regions: toxic microalgae and the danger they represent for an increasing
number of people when eating contaminated fish and shellfish.
The International Atomic Energy Agency Ostreopsis toxic microalgae, which usually These toxins, known as ciguatoxins, accu-
(IAEA) organised, in partnership with the live in tropical warm waters, were identified mulate in the flesh of fish without poisoning
RAMOGE agreement, workshops on toxic fifteen years ago, initially in the Mediter- them, but they are toxic to humans which
microalgae: risks for the environment, food ranean on the RAMOGE coast. They were eat the fish.
and health and supervision strategy. probably transported by boat ballast wa-
ters, and were able to develop in our region Ciguatera affects local populations in the
These workshops brought together over due to the highly favourable climate condi- Caribbean and sub-tropical regions where
60 participants from across the world to tions. For several years, ostreopsis blooms fish are often the main source of protein,
attempt to assess the state of knowledge, have been a problem and RAMOGE zone but it also increasingly affects tourists or
share experiences and plan measures to try scientists have been working in collabo- isolated populations who import an in-
and mitigate the effects of toxic microalgae. ration with the health authorities to get a creasing amount of these fish, often with
They focused specifically on Gambierdis- better understanding of the ecology and a high added value for local populations.
cus, which is responsible for Ciguatera, and dynamics of these microalgae, as well as to “Ciguatera is a well-known food poisoning
also ostreopsis, for its possible negative im- establish supervision procedures by obser- transmitted through fish or gastropods. Its
pacts on human health, marine ecosystems ving their concentration levels on beaches vectors are mobile so difficult to identify”,
and the local economy. during the summer. confirms Dr Philippe Hess from Ifremer. At
a global level, this type of food poisoning re-
This event was held over 4 days at the Gambierdiscus are also toxic microalgae mains the most common type of poisoning
Oceanographic Museum of Monaco. Ma- usually living in tropical waters. Eaten by by consuming seafood which has been well
nagers and scientists from the marine sec- herbivorous fish or shellfish, which are preserved. Toxins cannot be destroyed by
tor were able to draw on the experience of themselves eaten by predators, these mi- cooking, freezing or drying.
twenty internationally renowned experts in croalgae produce powerful neurotoxins
the field of toxic microalgae. which are found throughout the food chain.