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            The collective force

            against plastic pollution

            With the launch of a community of practice to combat plastic pollution

            in the Mediterranean in 2022, the members of the Beyond Plastic Med
            (BeMed) network are strengthening their collaboration.

            Following on from the Monaco Ocean Week 2022   ported by the IUCN, to gain a better understanding
            workshops, which established a community of prac-  of the origins of plastics and how they reach the sea,
            tice to tackle the scourge of plastic pollution in the   as well as their dispersion and impact on marine
            Mediterranean, the laureates day on 21 March 2023   biodiversity and the food chain. These reference re-
            mobilised the members of the BeMed network around   sults,  which  reinforce  other  scientific  reports  aimed
            shared objectives: to identify priorities and points of   at decision makers, encourage the dissemination of
            vigilance and to enhance a common toolbox.   knowledge about the origins of plastic pollution in the
                                                         Mediterranean. It can be used in local and regional
            In the Hirondelle room of the Oceanographic Museum,   lobbying, and help to spread good practice among
            members of the BeMed network took advantage of   stakeholders.
            the latest resources from the PlastiMed project, sup-
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