Page 91 - restitution_book_MOW2023_EN
P. 91
Review of the situation in Cyprus Mapping of public and private Working with supermarkets and locals to eli-
regarding the use and import of actors offering drinking water minate the use of plastic bags on the island, by
single-use plastic bags, including an refill points and promotion of al- developing a unit to produce bags from unused
analysis of the implementation of the ternatives to single-use plastic hotel sheets and fabric scraps in an island context
law banning such bags and an awar- water bottles through aware- subject to summer tourist pressure.
eness-raising campaign. ness-raising campaigns.
Association for the Ecological and sustainable
Together Cyprus - Cyprus OMNIA - Cyprus development of Elafonisos - Greece
Implementation of a participa- Training local tourism businesses to Co-construction with schoolchildren (primary
tory science protocol on mi- reduce the use of single-use plastics and secondary), via diving activities, of tools to
croplastics in ten schools: the and raising awareness among the pu- raise public awareness of plastic pollution and
data collected will be analysed blic through the creation of the "Plastic its effects on health and the environment, which
and incorporated into existing Free Beach" label and actions on the will be used with a variety of local stakeholders.
databases. An initiative relayed municipality's beaches, which record Collection of plastic waste by divers and young
on social networks and in the a 40% increase in visitors during the people taking part in the project.
media. summer period.
Club des activités de plongée de Bizerte
SciCo - Greece Municipality of Agia Napa - Cyprus - Tunisia
Replication of the setting up of a sor- Raising awareness of the environmental The organisation of awareness-rai-
ting centre in the Bizerte region, ac- impact of using single-use sanitary pro- sing sessions and clean-up cam-
companied by raising awareness of ducts. This action is accompanied by the paigns in schools, municipalities,
selective sorting among five schools, extension and facilitation of access to pu- and local businesses in the Tyre re-
fishermen, the municipality, and the blic facilities adapted to the use of reusable gion of Lebanon aim to preserve the
tourism sector. alternatives. region's beaches and waters.
Tunisie Recyclage - Tunisia Rezero - Spain Alissar Liban - Lebanon
Capacity building for the collection and treatment of waste from fishing Creation of an "Eco-patrol" in the canyon of a river
and mussel farming (with a target of over 20 tonnes of waste recycled) that flows into the Adriatic Sea, and implementation
and exploration of ways to improve practices in the sector, including of a waste collection system and monitoring proto-
reusable alternatives, in collaboration with fishermen. cols to effectively reduce plastic pollution.
iSea - Greece Sub-Merus - Croatia