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P. 84


            Plastics threaten human

            and global health

            The Minderoo-Monaco Commission presents an unprecedented analysis
            of the risks posed by plastics to human and global health. The conclusions

            of the 48 world-renowned researchers are now a benchmark.

            On 21 March 2023, at a press conference held at the   THE REFERENCE DOCUMENT
            Monaco Science Centre, a select group of experts
            from the Minderoo-Monaco Commission, including   The event took place on the day the report was pu-
            members of Boston College's Global Observatory for   blished in the leading journal Annals of Global Health.
            Planetary Health, the Departments of Medicine and   The result of a year's worth of research, and in line
            Marine Biology at the Monaco Science Centre and   with previous reports on plastic pollution presented
            the "Plastics and Human Health" team at the Minde-  in Monaco, this major publication (226 pages) is
            roo Foundation (Australia), summarised the first glo-  based on contributions from 48 experts, scientists,
            bal report on the impact of plastics throughout their   clinicians, and policy analysts from around the wor-
            life cycle on human health and the planet's ecosys-  ld. Their in-depth, well-documented approaches
            tems, particularly the ocean. The medico-economic   converge.
            analysis, i.e., the healthcare costs incurred as a result
            of this pollution, is included at the end of the report.   Neurotoxic, carcinogenic, immune, and  endocrine
                                                         disruptors i.e., plastics and their many chemical
                                                         components have an impact on living organisms and
                                                         ecosystems. Derived from fossil fuels, washed away
                                                         daily, fragmented, ingested in minute and repeated
                                                         doses, sprayed into the atmosphere, and scattered
                                        PROFILE          in the ocean, plastics are an invisible, growing, and
                                                         global source of pollution of great concern. Increased
                  Launched to coincide with Monaco       cardiovascular disease and cancer, neurological and
                   Ocean Week 2022, the Minderoo-        fertility disorders, learning disabilities, obesity, in-
                  Monaco Commission was set up to        creased risk of miscarriage... Experts detail the de-
                 break down barriers in research into    vastating repercussions of widespread human expo-
              the many dangers that plastic poses to     sure to this chemical, which disproportionately affects
                                      human health.      children, the vulnerable, people on low incomes and
                                                         minorities. From the extraction of the oil and gas that
                                                         make up their raw materials to their elimination from
                                                         vital ecosystems, the toxicity of plastics and their
                                                         chemical components is now brought to light in this
                                                         document, unveiled as a preview at the sixth Monaco
                                                         Ocean Week.

                                                         4. The Minderoo-Monaco Commission report is available
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