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          AND TECHNOLOGIES                                   THE MONACO WORLD PLASTICS ASSOCIATION
                                                             BEGINS ITS MISSION TO COMBAT PLASTIC
          Several innovative  technologies for  transforming   POLLUTION
          some of the most polluting and persistent mixed plas-
          tic waste into resources were presented. New pers-  Monaco Ocean Week ended with the launch of a new
          pectives have been revealed by recycling technolo-  Monegasque association dedicated entirely to reducing
          gies that transform (nylon) fishing nets into products   plastic pollution around the world. Its president, Oxana
          compatible with ocean life and capable of providing
          a source of income for local fishing communities. The   Girko, welcomed guests on the deck of the Monaco Yacht
          team  benefited  from  a  direct  industrial  perspective,   Club, facing the Mediterranean, reminding them of the im-
          with the presence of companies focused on changing   portance of the mission ahead: to save the ocean from the
          the use of plastic, such as Amazon and Patagonia.   growing plastic crisis.
          The importance of working on the social perceptions
          and uses of plastics, as well as on alternative mate-  Leaders from a wide range of disciplines gathered at the
          rials, was also highlighted.                       Aquarama Riva to listen to the keynote address, which
                                                             highlighted the urgent need for proactive solutions. Profes-
          Operations to collect floating plastic waste in South   sor John McGeehan, Secretary General of the Association,
          America and South-East Asia have demonstrated the   and  a  professor  renowned  for  his  team's  work  on  "plas-
          potential of this concept for cleaning up ocean areas.   tic-eating enzymes" at the University of Portsmouth in the
          The presence of organisations such as Ocean Clea-  UK, presented the highlights of the World Plastics Summit.
          nup has brought to light the technologies deployed,
          particularly  in  the  Pacific  and  in  rivers,  to  intercept   Olivier Wenden, Vice-President, and Director General of the
          plastic waste before it reaches the seas. Textile recy-  Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation thanked
          cling was also in the spotlight, with a host of solutions   the  team  for  their  ongoing  efforts  and  colla-
          developed or under evaluation. Solutions for dealing   boration with the Prince Albert II of Monaco
          with microplastics featured prominently, with innova-  Foundation and the Monaco Science Centre.
          tive ideas on the extension of technologies, but also
          the need for small-scale deployment, in communities
          that can directly benefit from them.             “Nature has no waste; every form of life
                                                           exists within organised global cycles.
          Finally,  the  emergence  of  recyclable  alternative   Plastics affect nature's cycle, persisting in the
          polymers that avoid the production of microplastics   environment for hundreds of years. We urgently
          and the persistence of pollutants in the environment   need to find solutions to deal with existing plastic and
          is one of the milestones of a post-plastic era.
                                                           develop the circular materials of the future”.
                                                           Oxana Girko, President of the World Plastics Association
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