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MONACO OCEAN WEEK MAG            | 111



            The prize-giving ceremony for the "RA-  those that appealed to the jury, i.e., images   Anne Vissio, Executive Secretary of the
            MOGE - Man and the Sea" international   with a strong message", explained Sergio   RAMOGE Agreement, before mentioning
            photography competition took place at   Pitamitz (voted "Environmental Photojour-  that the photographs presented at the
            the end of the conference organised by   nalist of the Year" by the  National Press   Oceanographic Museum in Monaco will
            RAMOGE on participatory science at the   Photographers Association in 2016).   be exhibited in Nice and then travel to the
            Oceanographic Museum in Monaco on 24                                  volunteer municipalities in the RAMOGE
            March 2023. Held under the auspices of   The 12 winning photos, divided into 4   zone, continuing their role of raising awar-
            the International Federation of Photogra-  different sections, were unveiled in the   eness of the need to protect the marine
            phic Art (FIAP), this international compe-  presence of Riccardo Busi, President   environment.
            tition attracted a huge number of entries   of the FIAP, who has high hopes for the
            from 65 countries.                 competition:  "I am convinced that this
                                               competition will become one of the most
            A prestigious panel of judges, made up of   closely followed  events in the world of   IN
            leading naturalist photographers, chose   photography". Some of the winners, who   FIGURES
            from almost 500 photographs: "The fact   live in Italy, Spain, and Indonesia, shared
            that everyone is sharing their vision is very   their emotions and their support for RA-    ■  65 participating countries,
            important," said Greg Lecoeur (voted "Na-  MOGE's values. "This photo competition
            ture Photographer of the Year" by National   is a way of raising awareness of the im-    ■  567 photographers,
            Geographic in 2016).  "We  didn't  award   portance of protecting the marine envi-    ■  3370 sent,
            prizes to the most beautiful images, but to   ronment beyond our zone," concludes     ■  451 photos accepted.
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