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               AND PROTECTING

               THE OCEAN

               For the first time, the themed event "The Sea is Green", organised by the Green Globe-
               certified Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer, is part of the official programme of
               Monaco Ocean Week.

               On 22 March 2023, in the presence of
               HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco, at the
               Hôtel Hermitage Monte-Carlo, the mor-
               ning will begin with a meeting based on
               feedback from players in the sustainable
               hotel industry. What are they doing to pro-
               tect the environment? Interviewed by jour-
               nalist Leïla Ghandi, they give their vision of
               an ethical and responsible hotel industry,
               committed to reducing its ecological foot-
               print, starting with its water consumption.

               Monaco's Tourism Authority aims to posi-
               tion the Principality as a committed luxury
               tourist destination, and as such, a techno-
               logical leader and laboratory. "The tourism
               industry must create a new development
               model that respects the planet", in the So-
               vereign's encouraging words.       90% of GDP".  And  how  can  luxury  tou-  small actions that produce big changes."
                                                  rism  become a model,  an ambassador   More technical subjects are emerging,
                                                  for good environmental practice? Using   such as the rationalisation of water
               From major trends to               natural solutions to combat and reduce   consumption  or the new generation of
               technical challenges               greenhouse gases, consuming locally and   heat pumps in all SBM hotels, a heating
                                                  in season, raising customer awareness of
                                                                                     system that has already been in place
                                                  a new vision of luxury that embodies the   since the 1980s, as Luc Blain, the Group's
               Denis Allemand, Scientific Director of the   principles of sustainable development,   Technical Services Director, explains. The
               Monaco  Scientific  Centre,  gave  an  over-  training young professionals, recycling   Monte-Carlo Bay Hotel and Resort can
               view of the economic and ecological   soaps, limiting plastic packaging... Re-  boast a 35% reduction in water consump-
               challenges posed by tourism, which ac-  cord-breaking freediver Pierre Frolla, direc-  tion and a 45% reduction in energy
               counts for 10% of global GDP. "It is the   tor of the Monegasque Marine Academy   consumption, an effort reinforced by the
               lifeblood of both rich and poor countries.   and a figure who illustrates the values of   photovoltaic installation.
               In the Pacific Islands, tourism accounts for   the SBM Group, invites us to "multiply the
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