Page 58 - Livre_MOW2022_EN
P. 58


               ROUND TABLE 4                             ROUND TABLE 5

            INVESTING IN OCEAN                        REGENERATIVE
            INNOVATORS                                OCEAN FARMING

            Although the number of innovative ocean-re-  Can  ocean  farming  be  cost-effective   Caroline Slootweg, Founder of Kelp Blue
            lated businesses are on the increase, investors   whilst generating a substantial positive   spoke about the creation of a farm for
            and their capital are still hesitant. Which criteria   impact  for  global  health?  This  is  the   the cultivation of macrocystis, the lar-
            take precedence for investing in a niche sector?   standpoint upheld by the panellists of   gest kelp in the world, in Namibia, 80%
            Under the auspices of Barclays, the 4  round   this session, showing the extent to which   of which is reserved for marine life, re-
            table invited investors with a firm footing in blue   regenerative ocean farming can play a si-  presenting a substantial carbon sink.
            investment with a view to encouraging current   gnificant role in the resolution of the most   The discussions also focused on a fac-
            philanthropists and new investors to use their   urgent ocean health issues.  tory to process seaweed into innovative
            capital to develop innovative ocean businesses,                              products  (Oceanium) and  FlexSea’s
            including in their early phase.           Canadian  Bren  Smith,  an  industrial  fi-  promising sustainable bioplastic made
                                                      sherman turned seaweed farmer, foun-  from red seaweed and presented by the
            The  discussion  focused  on  portfolio  diversi-  der of the NGO GreenWave, told his sto-  youngest entrepreneur of the day, the
            fication,  the  importance  of  an  ocean-entre-  ry about setting up this global network of   engineer Thibault Monfort.
            preneurs business model  (Katapult,  Schmidt   regenerative ocean farmers who hopes
            Marine Technology Partners), the role of inves-  to have 10,000 members within the next
            tors (Circulate Capital and its plastic fund) and   10 years.
            governments in the development of dedicated
            funds (Monaco’s Minister of Finance and Eco-
            nomy). Last, the panel discussed the impact of   “We have launched a centre for ocean regeneration through
            environmental risks specific to the marine eco-  farming open to all, which offers our community of farmers easily
            system, exposed to climate change, on invest-  replicable infrastructure models, funding options, and also a
            ments.                                    mentoring system, even a kelp climate fund… We are focusing on
                                                      the redistribution of production, a concept for the 22  century!
                                                      We need to be more creative and inclusive so that people feel
             “We are impact investors: when           engaged as if it were a world war.”
            we meet a blue economy business,          Bren Smith, Founder of GreenWave (Climate Change Award 2021
            we consider it first and foremost a       presented by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation)
            driver of innovation, working for the
            changes we are keen to support.”
            Jonas Skattum Svegaarden,
            Director of Katapult Ocean
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