Page 80 - Livre_MOW2018_FR
P. 80
Founded in 1906 by Prince Albert I, the Since July 2018, the brand new space “Monaco
Oceanographic Institute is a public interest & the Ocean, from exploration to protection”,
organisation which ensures the link between occupying almost 700 m , has related the
the ocean policy of the Principality, the scientific commitment of the Princes of Monaco - Prince
community, socio-economic players and the Albert I, Prince Rainier III and H.S.H. Prince
general public. To carry out its mission as an Albert II of Monaco - to the protection of the
environmental mediator - launched by H.S.H. marine world by an immersive scenography.
Prince Albert II of Monaco - the Institute Its aim is to use interactive tools to raise public
initiates numerous projects both nationally awareness and involve people in the preservation
and internationally: art exhibitions, film and of the marine world.
documentary screenings, seminars and
conferences, publications, awards, educational Early 2019 an open-air care centre for sea
programmes, awareness campaigns... turtles will be opened. It will include a clinic and
Since 2017, the Oceanographic Institute has convalescent pool, which will allow the turtles
cooperated fully with The Monaco Explorations, receiving care to recover without interference
a 3-year-long round-the-world campaign and under close supervision. Visitors will be able
launched by H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco. to observe these animals and learn about the
The Institute is supported by its two threats which hang over this endangered marine
establishments: the Oceanographic Museum species.
of Monaco and the Maison des Océans in Paris:
La Maison des Océans in Paris
The Oceanographic Museum of Monaco La Maison des Océans hosts numerous events
Since its inauguration on 29 March 1910, this every year. It is also home to the offices of major
Temple of the Sea has become an international actors in the environment and ocean protection:
benchmark. Towering 85 metres above the (The Foundation for Research on Biodiversity, the
waves, it offers a dazzling dive in search of over Ocean and Climate Platform, the Pew Charitable
6,000 specimens and stands as a place for Trusts, CRIOBE, the Prince Albert II of Monaco
discussions and culture, for sharing experiences Foundation, CIESM, etc.), making it a real
regarding the protection of the ocean, the environmental hub. With various spaces which
common heritage of humankind. can be privately rented, it offers a unique setting
for receptions, cocktail parties, filming, seminars,
From its aquariums to its historical collections, workshops, conferences, etc.
from the Shark Lagoon to Turtle Island on the
panoramic terrace, the Institute offers a unique
opportunity to learn to understand, love and
protect the ocean.