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               MPAs with a national statute      ■  theoretical number of collisions with large cetaceans in the
                                                 Mediterranean: 700 in winter and 2000 in summer
               Marine Natura 2000 sites
                                                 (statistical approach of Gallou and Folegot, Technical Report,
                                                 Quiet Oceans, 2020),
               Pelagos Sanctuary
                                                 ■  1 in 5 cetacean strandings caused by collisions
               SPAMIs*                           (Peltier et al., Mar. Sci. 2019),
               (*Specially Protected Areas
               of Mediterranean Importance)
                                                 ■  above 15 knots, the outcome of a collision is fatal
                                                 (Di-Meglio et al., Final report - Pelagos France, 2010),

                                                 ■  the noise risk extends over 12.6% of the endangered sperm
                                                 whale's habitat in the Mediterranean (NETCCOBAMS).

                         2019 edition, version 2. © 2022 by SPA/RAC and MedPAN

          These two species are listed as endangered by the   NETCCOBAMS : A BOAT SPEED
          International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).   MONITORING SYSTEM
          "It's a long process, starting in 2019, and one that
          requires the collaboration of several countries," says   The NETCCOBAMS digital platform comes at the right
          Armelle  Roudaut-Lafon,  Director  of  Maritime  Affairs   time, providing stakeholders and decision-makers with
          for the Principality of Monaco, pointing to the contri-  a range of management tools for monitoring cetaceans
          bution of science. Cristina Farchi, from the Italian Mi-  in Mediterranean and Black Sea waters. Surveilling
          nistry for the Environment and Safety, agreed: "Since   ships in the Mediterranean basin in real time, tracking
          2020, several regions of the basin have been moni-  their speed and the number of boats on the water,
          tored by experts who are trying to identify the long-  identifying the seasonal movements of cetacean po-
          term distribution areas, seasonal populations and   pulations, and mapping the overlap. Assessing noise
          specific hotspots of marine mammals in the area".   risks, identifying noise pollution hotspots, visualising
                                                      oceanographic features or the distribution of human
          During the Monaco Ocean Week meeting, the Spa-  activities in Mediterranean waters. By centralising all
          nish and Monegasque management tools supporting   this data using artificial intelligence, all this becomes
          future measures in the Particularly Sensitive Sea Area   possible and accessible to everyone. Alessio Maglio,
          were also discussed in detail.  "The stakeholders in   an expert in the marine environment, gave a live de-
          the region share the same objectives, particularly in   monstration enabling the visualization of the position
          terms  of  coordinating and  improving scientific  mo-  and speed of ships at any time in a specific area.
          nitoring," Vincent Szleper, from the French Ministry
          for Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion, ex-  What are the future needs associated with the practical
          plained, referring to the prospects of an environmen-  management measures in the PSSA? Speakers from
          tal charter, "sustainable cruising in the Mediterranean"   MedPAN, Cerema,  EcoOcean  Institute and Ocean
          for example, a regional certification that would include   Care highlighted the importance of regulation, scientific
          the fight against collisions. How can we provide more   monitoring and raising awareness. "NETCCOBAMS is
          support for the suggested recommendations, i.e.,   vital for both monitoring and forward-looking mapping
          speed reduction, increased surveillance, and warning   which takes several factors into account. We need to
          of cetaceans?                               rely on science to protect cetaceans in the Mediter-
                                                      ranean", concluded Nicolas Entrup and Carlos Bravo,
                                                      from OceanCare, drawing attention to the importance
             “We need to speed up to slow down”.      of reducing noise and CO  emissions.
            Nicolas Entrup, Ocean Care's Director                        2
                         of International Relations
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